
大馬.砂拉越.古晉 | 天蠍男 | 媒體人 | 愛閱讀 | 寫生活 | 寫城市 | 寫不成材的小說 | 每星期二、四、六更新文。

Work blog 1 | Be a media person

Luckily, I like words. After changing several jobs, I started working in a newspaper office, and I can often work with words.

Looking at the time at 9:45 in the morning, I picked up my car keys and prepared to drive to work. Luckily, my company was less than 8 minutes away from my house, and there was no traffic jam at all.

I stepped into the newsroom office on time at 10:00 in the morning. Usually my colleagues are already in their positions. Occasionally, my boss is also in his position. However, our department does not pay much attention to the etiquette culture of superiors and subordinates. Leave the office earlier.

I have been working as a news editor for seven or eight years. After entering the job, I changed three departments. Compared with no accident, I will retire in the news editorial department!

Luckily, I like words. After changing several jobs, I started working in a newspaper office, and I can often work with words.

I have been working in the media field for a long, long time, changing only two companies and changing several departments, including training reporters, sports editors, supplement editors, weekly editors, student journal editors, news assistant editors, News editor to date.

I remember that many, many years ago, on August 31st, the National Day of Malaysia, I stepped into the media industry on the first day. I entered the newspaper office and started a three-month training for journalists. There was no salary and only a monthly allowance of RM400.

During the training, I found that writing articles is very different from writing news. News cannot be written at will, and needs to be written with the "evidence" obtained by hand. In the past 3 months, I have carried out training for several news groups, including ordinary groups, The social group, and the accidental group. I interviewed the election. At that time, the records were all written by hand. There was no tape recorder or pen, and I could only record with fast hand speed and a large-capacity brain memory. Cameras still use film, so you need to save money when taking pictures. Unlike digital cameras now, you can take as many pictures as you want.

After 3 months of training, I actually found that I am not suitable to be a reporter. Because of my slow-moving and introverted personality, I always feel that being able to write is not enough. You also need to know how to socialize, build relationships, and have connections. When it came to the training of the accident team, I felt that I couldn't do the job of a reporter. I was not afraid of covering accidental news, but when an accident reporter needed a 24-hour on-call and often needed to guard the hospital and the police station, this was not what I wanted life.

I struggled for the last week of training and finally decided to quit. Maybe it was because I was performing well, and my boss wanted me to consider staying and changing jobs to be a sports editor. Of course I agreed.

That's how I ended my training and turned to a full-time job. There are regular staff salaries, but not as many as RM650, and the other four people I trained with at the time, none of them are now in the media industry.

The newspaper that it currently serves is a national newspaper, and the current newspaper is not very easy to do. I believe that many people have stopped reading newspapers and watched news clips online. Newspaper sales aren't much better, of course, and many of the old-school newspapers have either ceased publication or switched to e-newsletters.

Fortunately, the newspapers we serve have begun to transform many years ago. In addition to paper newspapers, they also focus on the development of electronic newspapers, and manage social networks, especially Facebook, so that we have millions of fans. . Including online live broadcast, online advertising, online education exhibition, etc., to maintain stable revenue.

Now that the epidemic broke out, many things have been changed to online. It can only be said that the person in charge of the newspaper had seen the importance of the Internet early and took the lead in reform and transformation.

Even so, we have been affected to some extent. Now the company's policy is to reduce the layout. If someone leaves the company, they will not hire new people unless it is very necessary. The work of the former employees is handed over to the current employees, and often one person needs to be responsible for multiple positions. Just like me, in addition to the news editor, I also need to be responsible for the operation of the weekly and supplementary magazines for elementary school students, as well as the news online.

There is a lot of work, and sometimes some people can't enjoy the satisfaction that the work brings to me, and it is almost just finishing the work. I started working in a newspaper because I liked words and news, especially when I was editor of a supplement, when I finished a version that I was satisfied with, that great sense of satisfaction is almost gone now.

I don't know when the original satisfaction will come back.


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