
曾任台中日月千禧酒店24F 景觀餐廳 樂師 台北濕地《失落的伊甸園》微森林藝術展 展覽配樂製作 台北金車文藝中心-承德館《時光旅人》 展覽配樂製作 老虎牙子-廣告配樂製作 新北市政府親子情感教育篇-微電影配樂製作 Mystery of the Kingdom-動畫電影配樂 南投縣高中聯合監製《中漂之後》-微電影配樂製作 離你越近的地方,路途越遠;最簡單的音調,需要最艱苦的練習。 —泰戈爾

The theme song of Zhang Xiamu's Paradise is adapted from Piano Cover game music

Combining the seventh chapter of Jay Chou Nights

I still remember the touch brought by heaven nearly 20 years ago

Is it weird that girls like to play in heaven?

Just a little bit of inspiration for the adaptation before waiting for Paradise W to go live

Combining the seventh chapter of Jay Chou Night and the theme song of Heaven

I hope you will like it

PS: I'm looking forward to playing Paradise W as soon as possible

I don't know what server most players in Taiwan choose to recommend.

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