

livestock and people

what a cute puppy

A few months ago, a woman in Taiwan hurried back to Taiwan to see her beloved puppy one last time. Under the haze of the epidemic, people who want to return to Taiwan have to be quarantined for 14 days and home quarantine for 7 days. No one can be spared even if they are impatient. Taiwanese women originally applied for compassionate relief, and could make it to the last trip to send their pet dogs; unfortunately, compassion is limited to close relatives, such as parents, children, couples, etc., but does not include animals. Although the family had broadcast the entire moment of her pet dog's death to her via phone and video, the woman was heartbroken as she watched Death take away her pet dog. The long night was long, and she was alone in the small house, thinking sadly that she had not been able to touch the puppy and give her a hug before her beloved dog died, watching only through the small screen. How the woman howled, the family can only comfort them through the small screen, which is not effective at all. The woman was overwhelmed with grief and had suicidal thoughts, which ended her life.

A few days ago, a policeman was chased by a wild boar in a parking lot and was hit by a wild boar. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department came up with an excellent bridge, which was to lure a group of wild boars that had been sleeping on the hillside with food. They walked to the foot of the mountain and shot the group of pigs with anesthesia. Tragically, all the wild boars, regardless of their size, were killed. After the incident, the AFCD kept talking, and even the so-called guild members defended the AFCD. The so-called black and white, the whole city is talking about it non-stop.

what a poor boar

The above two things seem to be irrelevant. The author believes that the core problem lies in people's views on animals. Humans have ruled the earth for the shortest time, but they are the most destructive. In ancient times, humans were just one of the animals. Through continuous evolution, human progress has surpassed all living things. The more advanced technology is, the higher the self-esteem of human beings, and they forget that they are also animals. Since humans are also animals, there is no difference between humans and livestock. In the previous paragraph, the woman regards her pets as close relatives, and her level of love has surpassed the difference between humans and livestock as defined by the general world; when a close relative is about to die, she longs to hold each other's hand tightly beside her close relative, It is human nature to touch each other's face until the moment of death. When a person is most sad, family members and friends can bring comfort to the sad person, a tap on the shoulder, or a hug, instead of letting the woman sit alone and trapped in a small space, perhaps the woman can avoid going to a dead end. It is a pity that those in power are just ordinary people, who often only follow the regulations and think that puppies are nothing more than animals. It is the safest and most prudent way to protect themselves by not showing mercy to women.

puppy suffers too

The recent practice of fishing, protecting and killing pigs has been criticized, and the incident has sparked discussions about wild boars. Wild boars, like ordinary earth creatures, have also been widely active on the earth 40 million years ago before humans appeared. They can be found in tropical or temperate rain forests in Siberia in the north, Indonesia in the south, Spain in the west, and Japan in the east. shadows. The wild boars in Hong Kong should have come to live here before humans. It seems that they are the original inhabitants, and humans are just invading their territory. Although the AFCD's approach is problematic, as the chief executive, she takes the lead in killing protected wild animals, which is even more infuriating. Her self-righteous character has been revealed again and again. The habitation of these original inhabitants has been occupied by human beings. They just come and go in their original habitation for food. The arrogant human beings are killing them and using shameless methods to hunt them down. Those hunters believed that all parts of the world belonged to human beings, and they exploited the land endlessly, extracting the resources accumulated by the earth for hundreds of millions of years, and groups of earth creatures went extinct one after another. Human beings are also suffering from the bitter fruit. The temperature of the earth is rising, the ice and snow at the north and south poles are melting, the sea level is rising, the coastal areas are in danger of being flooded, and extreme weather occurs frequently, causing loss of human life and property. The chief executive who claims to protect the residents has ever thought about why wild boars can live in harmony with humans, why they attack humans? Are humans occupying their homes? Are humans taking away the environment they depend on? Is it a person with a lot of love who feeds animals indiscriminately, resulting in a biological imbalance? At present, it seems that no one dares to criticize, dare to tell the truth, and there are many people who please shoeshine. The chief executive, who thought he had an amulet, had a more totalitarian and arbitrary attitude towards affairs.

The common point of the above two things is that human beings always consider their own interests, and the so-called right and wrong standards are just human self-righteous thoughts. Su Shi's "Red Cliff Fu": "Between heaven and earth, everything has its own owner. If it is not mine, even if it is not owned by me, I will not take it." Heaven and earth do not belong to anyone. Relying on, taking one's own standards as the standard, when can you know where you are, consider the needs of others, and consider the situation of other species?

one of the victims


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