
'Family' The Prison That Limits Your Financial Vision

"Family" is the starting point for everyone in the world, and it is also the most important environment for ceramic sculpture to build a person.

"Family" is the starting point for everyone in the world, and it is also the most important environment for ceramic sculpture to build a person. Such an important pottery place can be said to be diverse in appearance. Some grow colorful, happy and stable; The way everyone grows up is the accumulation of the family bit by bit, and each person's values, temperament, and philosophy also set the cornerstone of life for most of them. These accumulations, whether you build them intentionally or shape them unintentionally, determine to a large extent the height and breadth of your life.

The famous philosopher Schopenhauer once said: "The biggest prison in the world is the human mind and consciousness." Human thinking and consciousness are gradually formed, realized, struggled and formed from childhood to adulthood. When you think that people are free and can decide their own thinking and consciousness, what you don't know is that the world you know is only because the field of vision you can access is "only" so wide. Your habit of using money is generous or stingy; your relationship is related to money, whether you suffer or care; your choice of food is luxurious and exquisite or a meal full; when you buy new clothes, it is noble taste Still vulgar.... Everything is the influence of the people and things that you "only" come into contact with. Although we cannot conclude that these influences come entirely from the family, the influence of the "family" is undoubtedly very huge. Just think about it, if you buy things without bargaining, do you have the shadow of your mother (or father)? Is it a family routine to find delicious food and have a big meal every now and then? Is it the shadow of your breaking up with your friends?

Yes, the people and things you can come into contact with are the highest realm you can reach. Therefore, there is a well-known saying among the people: "The average salary of your three closest friends is almost the salary you can get." I would like to take it a step further, if you can't break the prison of the family, the height you can achieve and the amount of money you can earn in a lifetime is just that!!

Taking my own family as an example, my father has worked in as many as 37 industries in his lifetime. These are only lists recorded by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, excluding those so-called "entrepreneurship" attempts. In his mediocre life, what did he leave behind? He was unable to pay health insurance premiums for his children, his house was foreclosed, and he left behind 2 million after his death. My mother is slightly better than my father in terms of economics. With her small business, she bought two single-person suites. After 30 years, the price is the same as it is now!!! Ended up with a tragic loss of 1 million, and finally asked my child to help pay off the debt. Now I live the life of a "moonlight clan".

Everyone, I am very embarrassed and ashamed to tell you that when I left the society, I was in debt of 500,000 (student loan), and the reason why I did not repay the loan in 5 years was because my mother said, "The interest is so low. Well, pay it back so quickly!" So I was "obedient" and paid back slowly, spending every penny I earned quickly. On the other hand, my career has also begun to change jobs, because my father said, "If you don't like your boss, you will fire him!" So I was "obedient" and fired several times. The owner of the "locomotive". Have you noticed? I am a copy of my parents, the product of their mental prison, and I have perfectly replicated all their habits. I still feel complacent that I’m smart and have a bright future! Think about it, I’m so capable, I’ll fire the boss if I’m not happy, and I’m afraid I can’t find a job? Is it a portrayal of "vulgar people" and "poor ability"? I am so good at using money, and I will not pay back the bank money, but let him deduct my "rare" interest. Every day, I can do whatever I want. It's "stupid"!!

Seeing this, I don't know if you broke a cold sweat for me?! Not only you, but also me now, broke a lot of cold sweat for me at that time!!! My mother!!! Without perseverance, they will only give up halfway and beautify them into Maxima who cannot be appreciated by Bole; the moonlight people who have no financial management concept and do whatever they want will be beautified into financial masters who make good use of the bank's low interest rate. This is my life, the beginning of my freedom.

There is such a passage in the Bible, "Keep your heart above all else, because it is the heart that produces the results of life." When we don't know it, we are subtly influenced by our family, filling your heart bit by bit, and further affecting your achievements in this life.

One day 15 years ago, my mind suddenly opened up. I suddenly realized that if my thoughts and actions were the same as those of my parents, then my final harvest would be not far from theirs. So I thought to myself, am I going to continue to be a nomad in the workplace? When will the Moonlight Clan go? I am determined to live a different life from my parents. But how do I start? The nobles never show up. Is my "Maximum" still in trouble!? So, when I have no connections and no money to study, all I can do is "read"! Some people say that reading a book is reading a person's life. Yes, I increase the height of my exposure through books, and I increase my breadth through the experience of others. When I find that other people's descriptions are different from my family's descriptions, I weigh the pros and cons and decide whether to break the groove of the original idea and install the new ideas that I have come into contact with. The more I remodeled, the more noble people around me became. As the saying goes, things gather together and people are divided into groups. People with different thinking heights are destined to be unable to live together for a long time. In this way, I slowly moved from a debt-ridden life to a prosperous road to financial freedom.

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