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A rare experience in life - touch a tiger

old tiger

He is our pet, because he has tabbys, so we named him "Little Tiger", but now that he is old, sometimes I call him "Tiger", so I often touch "Tiger "

"What! It's just petting a dog, what's so rare?"

"Look at this title, and then look at this content, the title party is correct!"

"Your article is not eligible for the event!"

Don't worry! ! !

I just introduced by the way, my dog is nothing more, because he also has the word "tiger" in his name.

The real protagonist is him!


This is Big Brother Tiger himself. I touched a real tiger. To be able to touch a tiger is a very rare opportunity for me. After all, tigers are beasts and live in certain forests. No, let alone near him.

I still remember that it was a small incident in our country. At that time, I traveled to Thailand with my family, and we went to the zoo together.

That zoo can touch tigers and hold orangutans, but you have to pay a tip.

At that time, I was really curious about how the tiger's fur felt to the touch. My mother also thought it was a rare opportunity, so she tipped the breeder.

That tiger, who was sleeping, probably just had a full meal and was taking a nap. The whole tiger was lazy and did not look ferocious at all, so it was not scary at all.

Because the tiger was sleeping, the breeder woke the tiger and let us touch him.

His fur is soft and easy to touch. During the process of touching, he is still afraid that he will suddenly bite. After all, he is the big brother of the tiger, although he looks lazy.

After touching the tiger, I also hugged the orangutan

The orangutan I was holding was still a child, so I sat with him on my body. I still remember that the orangutan's hair was thorny, and I felt itchy all over my body.

I think it's really rare to be able to touch these two animals. I don't think there will be a second chance.


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