
莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波

know me

Meeting every day does not mean that you will be close in heart, and frequent communication does not mean that you will be connected.

Seeing each other every day does not mean that you will be close.

Frequent communication does not mean that there will be heart-to-heart.

But it is very strange. You may find that the person who knows you best is not yourself, nor is it necessarily the closest person. You may find that the "knower" is often the person you ignore!

Someone who knows me is someone else

Sometimes, you are surprised how other people remember their birthdays, life trivia, how to know what you are thinking at the moment? Why show up when you need help!

His understanding of you is not necessarily due to emotional factors, nor is it out of the consideration of "knowing yourself and the enemy", and certainly not for the sake of plotting against you.

In short, he just understands you, perhaps because he is similar to your situation, or because he can make you speak freely, or because he raises his eyebrows, discerns colors, or he is a good listener and has the ability to remember. Strong, wait.

However, you may be a little resistant to the person who understands you who is not the one you want him to understand you in your mind, because "the one who knows me is better than you", but it has become "he", how can it be! ?

Of course, you may also have a different set of views on him.

Although most of us don't like to have too many "knowers", we also suffer from not having one "knower".

But in fact ordinary people are like us, what can't we see? It's just that the people you think should know you don't "know" you, and the people you think "don't understand" suddenly find out that they "know" you.

It's not me who knows me

People always give priority to themselves, so they focus more on themselves, and they are withdrawn. Do you think that if you are not sociable and talkative, you cannot be understood by others? In fact, is it a bit too self-esteem and self-admiring, in essence, you are just an ordinary person! Just as blood type A has the character of blood type A, and otaku has the performance of otaku, are you an alien with a different behavior pattern? Or are you playing a role, deceiving others and yourself!

When you realize that there is no "knower", have you ever thought that you yourself are not "knower"? Do you actually have problems with expression, or do you always "misunderstand" yourself, thinking that you are a talented and beautiful woman, with a bright image, and not a genius in the world, so you think that others "can't understand you" and can't see "you are outstanding" .

So, don’t think that no one knows you, everyone else already knows your every move and guesses what you want!

But if you still think that no one understands you, unless you never contact people, there are many who "know you"!


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