

Is the buying process too complicated? Understand the 4 major housing loan processes at one time!

Looking for a house, buying a house, housing loan, decorating fees, and trying to calculate taxes and fees, but want to buy a house but feel that there is too much information and too complicated, do not know where to find out? For first-time buyers who are about to buy a house, I think they may not know how to apply for a home loan. The home loan process is also very complicated. There are many types, what is the difference? Which one is best for you?

Before you understand the differences between various housing loans and the housing loan process , you should pay attention to signing the contract before buying a house! If you don’t pay attention to the contract when buying a house, you may overlook a lot of things. There are basically these precautions in the house contract:

Signing stage: Sign the real estate sales contract

1. The two parties sign the contract under the witness of the designated witness.
2. Verify the identity of the buyer and the seller.
3. Apply for a transcript of the land and buildings on the same day to ensure that the property rights are complete and correct.
4. The buyer can inform the real estate agent of the demand for performance guarantee at this stage.

Printing stage: prepare relevant documents for printing

1. Under the witness of the agent, the buyer and the seller prepare the transfer, tax declaration and other documents.
2. The above-mentioned preparations are handed over to the Landlord for stamping, which is called the "Seal Stage".

Tax payment stage: entrust a document to pay relevant taxes

1. After the stamp is completed, do the tax-paying work.
2. At this stage, confirm the tax bill, the bank loan amount and carry out the house transfer.

Transfer stage:

Appropriation and mortgage, enter this stage after tax payment.

Note that when you want to choose housing loan terms, you should know that some banks have lower mortgage interest rates for the first two years and start to increase interest rates from the third year; Borrowers need to evaluate their own financial and repayment ability and choose the appropriate interest rate model.

In terms of choosing a bank, it usually takes decades to repay a mortgage. It is necessary to choose a bank with a good reputation and a good service. When you have to repay, generally speaking, the more loans, the better, which can reduce the pressure on funds, but the more loans, the higher the relative interest. It is necessary to evaluate personal financial resources and repayment ability first, and the monthly mortgage amount should preferably not exceed 30% of income to avoid heavy financial pressure.

Home loan trial calculation:

Self-provided funds ÷ (1 - loan ratio) = available house prices, available house prices - self-provided funds = loan amount (loan amount I mortgage interest rate) ÷ 12 = monthly interest burden (grace period monthly burden)


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