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Currency Circle Xiaobai Diary | On NFT Bubble and Appreciation Citizen Web3 Revision

Before the Chinese New Year vacation, Bitcoin and Ethereum fell sharply for a while, and NFT caused a lot of disputes due to Jay Chou Phanta Bear. In the past two weeks, I have heard enough of all kinds of ridicule on the Internet that are not optimistic about the currency market. Well, it turned out that Bitcoin has steadily returned to more than $40,000 in the past two days, and the discussion and transaction volume of NFTs during the Spring Festival is actually still amazing. But what I care most about is to appreciate the revision of the Citizen. Let's talk about these things.

Before the Chinese New Year vacation, Bitcoin and Ethereum fell sharply for a while, and NFT caused a lot of disputes due to Jay Chou Phanta Bear. In the past two weeks, I have heard enough of all kinds of ridicule on the Internet that are not optimistic about the currency market.

Well, it turned out that Bitcoin has steadily returned to more than $40,000 in the past two days, and the discussion and transaction volume of NFTs during the Spring Festival is actually still amazing. These interesting changes, Xiaobai, I also see interesting.

First of all, this is Google Trend's keyword search popularity about NFT during this period, which seems to be still very high. A closer inspection seems to be A Bathing Ape; Karafuru, these two projects are the most talked about, and Binance platform is also popular for its NFT broadcast event during the Lunar New Year. I haven't studied these, but I can see that the NFT topic is still being taken over.

google trend screenshot

In addition, according to Dune Analytics, OpenSea’s single-day ether transaction volume hit a new high on the first day of the new year. Could it be the effect of acquiring NFTs after Chinese people from both sides of the strait got red envelopes on New Year’s Eve? Haha XD?

Image via Dune Analytics

Regarding the rise and fall of Bitcoin, I believe that many strong technical analysts can see the truth, but the strategy of making me use the dual-currency financial management model for a while, and the strategy of receiving Bitcoin at a low level has some positive feedback.

Will NFTs bubble? nonono

As for NFTs, I was fortunate enough to chat with an elder who took care of me for a long time before the Lunar New Year, and at that time I came to the conclusion that it would not be a bubble. She is an important person who has retired and is still ahead of the curve. She is also well-connected in the financial and startup circles. She personally believes that even though some NFTs purely based on topical hype may fall in price quickly, it is unlikely that Taiwanese cultural assets that have been recognized by the society will be included in NFTs.

That's right, NFT itself is empty, just a container that can hold unique assets. The point of evaluating the value is to see what you want to carry with it. This wave of emerging art or tide-style NFTs has been released because a group of cultural and creative workers have been exploited by the concept of free content for too long in the era of community Web2, and they are the first to seek a way out. There are still many ways to go in the future.

Of course, hearing the elders say this also makes me feel more at ease because she should have seen a lot of big characters belonging to her generation and was just about to get involved. It is conceivable that someone will take over the NFT boom this year.

To be honest, I haven’t actively started with NFTs yet, because I have always hoped that it is something I really want to collect, and it has nothing to do with investment, but these developments are good things.

By the way, I also pay attention to the co-creation of The Space in the Chinese New Year. Unfortunately, I don’t have the skills to add points to drawing pictures. I used to help me to make a small picture of the community, and I was considered ugly by the editor XD. like the other way around.

Appreciating Citizens Going to Web3, My View

In addition, I only worked hard to save the disappearing green circle last week, but I didn't expect that Appreciation Citizen would revise its version to welcome Web3. This is indeed a bold attempt, but as a person like me who has only joined for half a year, I think it is a good thing.

First of all, I thought that the credit card subscription would fail sooner or later. It is not the problem of LIKE COIN, but the feeling that the banks in Taiwan are becoming more and more unfriendly to transactions related to the currency circle. For example, I wanted to use a credit card to buy CRO before. The experience is that I have been repeatedly rejected, and I appreciate that citizens go directly to the Web3 payment method, which is free for me, and saves the time and effort of going to the credit card customer service to ask questions and being coldly responded when a problem occurs.

And my preparation for this is to finally start the LIKE COIN mining project on Osmosis. I have always wanted to do this, but for a novice like me, liquidity mining is still very difficult like climbing a mountain. After the revision, I was expected to pledge some LIKE COIN, which finally pushed me, and I spent half a day sweating to finish it yesterday. Waiting for the new version on 2/21 to go live, let LIKECOIN play other value-preserving roles.

Web3 who is king? Certainly not community hegemony

Of course, there will be a period of shock for citizens to enter Web3 so quickly. I believe that there are some creators in Matt who are still accustomed to traditional subscriptions. There are still creators who feel that it is troublesome to learn the knowledge of the currency circle. It is inevitable to reduce some people. In addition, a friend reminded Matt City and the LIKE community that this track is very small, and it is necessary to invest so much? I feel that in the Web3 era, sticky niche communities are king, and the current experience can still be adhered to.

Facebook, used to be my monetization trump card

Come back and talk about the news that the stock price of Facebook Meta has fallen sharply in the online stock community these days. Facebook was actually one of the most profitable stocks I've personally owned for years. At that time, it was also because he participated in community management and knew that its hegemony was unmatched, so he invested. In the last year, it was seen that it developed to the ceiling and gradually sold.

Whether the renamed Meta can go to the metaverse, I don't know. But I do think that Facebook is gone, a message that Web3 will take over from Web2.

Let's hold more LIKECOIN as a small bet for me to be optimistic about Web3 in the Chinese New Year of the Tiger.


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