
https://taplink.cc/epoch_h 躁亂的世界需要平靜的靈魂。 我是旅途憂鬱深淵死亡而獲得新生的自救者,現職身心靈工作者、創作者,服務牌卡占卜、解夢、月亮歷解讀、催眠療癒。 喜愛文字、影集,擅長傾聽與引導他人認識自己。

Anger is a sweet flower with a bitter root, following the sweetness to the poisonous root.

The title comes from a line of dialogue between characters in "Midnight Gospel," a psychedelic yet spiritual animation. This article analyzes how anger is formed? How do we face up to our anger and find the "poisonous root".

This sentence actually made me think for a long time, why is it a sweet flower? Even my head was a little knotted, until I drew a flower, I didn't understand that a sweet flower means that anger is easy to indulge inadvertently, and people who are easily angry often don't realize that a poisonous poison has grown in their hearts. flower.

Why are people angry?

When encountering a dog that barks suddenly, some people’s emotions suddenly explode like stepping on a landmine, and they feel that they are very weak; ", just a "trigger point".

Just imagine, if a person is filled with joy, will he be angry with a dog that barks inexplicably? Joy from the inside out was natural, and he wasn't swayed by the little things.

Only the seed of anger is planted within, and anger only exists within the individual. The reason why you feel angry actually comes from yourself.

Are your emotions often suppressed? Are you afraid to really face yourself? Accustomed to obeying people? Or did the expected thing not happen?

Anger does solve things "temporarily", which is why it's a sweet flower with a seductive attitude, as if using it will get you what you want.

When a child is angry, he can get the candy he wants, when his girlfriend is angry, he can get his boyfriend's obedience, and when a parent is angry, he can get his child's obedience.

But is it really feasible? After all, this anger has a poisonous root, eroding his own heart, and also eroding the relationship between people. It temporarily satisfies the self, but also brings the dissatisfaction of others in return.

From the point of view of the main reason of anger is very simple, their own expectations are not met.

Whether it's not getting love, getting what you want, getting respect, getting compliance, it all comes from people's expectations.

 As mentioned earlier, if a person is genuinely happy inside and does not seek the ideal way for an event to happen, he will not be attracted by the "scent" of anger.

People can choose their emotions, and emotions come from our minds.

Whose brain is it? my own.

When you can master the mind, you can determine your own emotions. Many people cannot master the idea that they are too identified with the mind to be themselves. This is the identity mentioned in the previous article.

To be aware of how this poisonous root is formed, you must "pay attention" to every moment that causes you to react , observe your psychological reactions, thoughts and behaviors. You don't even need to define a certain emotion as a noun, but first. Feeling such an emotional flow delicately is like watching a big rock thrown into calm water, quietly watching the water being splashed, the ripples on the water surface, and then returning to calm.


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