
雜志編輯 | 寫詞人 | 業餘畫畫尚未到家 | 二手書店店長 | 不安分的雙子座 | 愛貓不養貓 YT/FB/IG:一枚小確幸 A Little Bliss FB/IG:小如繪畫筆記 RuyunSketch

Watercolor Zen | Water is cool

I ordered whitening liquid and pigskin glue in the shrimp skin a few days ago, and I finally received it today! Happy~ 😊✌🏻️ During the period when I was not at work, I was painting. Whenever I devote myself to painting, I feel very relaxed and my heart is very peaceful. According to my birthday, I belong to the fire life, but I, who like to lose my temper, meet you who are rational and calm. I always laugh and say that we are incompatible with each other. After thinking about it, the character is hot and cool when it encounters water! Just like watercolor, it also healed myself during this low ebb, making me anxious like nectar. There are positive and negative sides to everything. Many times, as long as we are willing to think from a different angle, things will not be so bad. Just let the watercolor practice become your "watercolor Zen" to keep your mindfulness! Speaking of the pigskin glue I received today, it is used to wipe the whitening liquid. Hold it in your hand and press it, it is very elastic! Suddenly, I was shocked, this is not really made of pig skin! ? So I quickly checked the Internet, and it turned out that the pig skin glue is not made of "pig skin", but made of environmentally friendly rubber. The reason why it is called "pig skin glue" is because it looks like pig skin, so it has this nickname. Haha, finally relieved. Thinking that I can try new skills again, my whole heart is eager to try it, and I look forward to trying a different style of painting next! 😊


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