
馬來西亞90後 喜歡寫日常


If there is an invisible person (or aliens) living with a family, recording all kinds of big and small things, it can probably be written into a wonderful book in a few generations.

Because I had to wait for the appointment for braces, I went home one week late.

I just finished my internship and stayed at my sister's house for a few days. It just so happened that my dad's younger brother was my uncle. After he saw me on TV (you can watch related works), he called me and invited me to stay at his house for a few days, because his house had just been renovated.

So I took the bus excitedly, trying to be a parasite for a week at my uncle's house.

The student's house can be lived in, but the food is a problem. Although it is not a problem to live in an uncle's house, there is a little psychological burden, that is, what should I do if I pass the disease? My mother also said this, and she also held the attitude of not bothering people and stopped me from going there.

It's weird, I know it's not good, I still took the 8.5 hour bus to find my uncle. Maybe it was the words my uncle said that touched me. He said that he didn't go home again for next year's Chinese New Year, and he wanted to see relatives (otherwise he might not meet until the next year). I feel sorry for my uncle not being able to go back to his hometown + see relatives. Feeling empty like I didn't get home for New Year's this year.

Today is the second day of my stay. I wanted to write about a little family story.

The question that most relatives like to ask young people is, have you made friends?

I said no.

Then my uncle gave tips on how to choose a husband.

He said that it doesn't matter if he has no money, the most important thing is to have a career. If he is diligent, his career will definitely be successful. Then he will look at his family background. As long as he has a harmonious relationship with his family, he will be a good candidate.

Later he gave examples of family relationships, among which his parents were not divorced.

Society still holds prejudice against divorced families.

My mom actually wants to divorce my dad. Then if I leave one day, wouldn't I become the person my uncle said had family problems?

I don't feel sad, but it's quite interesting when I think about it from the perspective of others, and I also find that divorced families are not good in the eyes of some people.

Outsiders, of course, don't know about my parents' emotional conflict.

Anyway, my mom thinks my dad is too rigid, like never taking mom back to her parents' home during Chinese New Year, with very little concern, or something. Mom obviously couldn't recall the happiness she was planning to marry. My two brothers and I had no intention of intervening to get them back together.

Unknown to my uncle and aunt, they kept saying that my father was very loyal, could cook, and my mother was very lucky.

This is as sad as it sounds, sad for my mom. If everyone knew that my parents divorced, they would definitely point the finger at my mother.

I smiled and echoed their conversation, I had so many things I couldn't put into words.

I always talk about my sister who became a little angel at the age of 18 a few years ago.

I don't like talking about my sister, because I want to cry. It is very unpleasant to take off my glasses and wipe my tears in the middle of the chat, although they are only talking about some past events.

It is always said that my sister is slim and tall, like a model, but it's a pity that she left so early.

I have accepted her departure. Everyone has a timer for leaving the soul. Since death is inevitable, I should accept it calmly, but my tears will still fall, I don't know how long it will be. Years later, I can't cry when I talk about my sister. I just miss her.

My uncle said that my dad has always been quiet.

There was a fight outside the house, it was noisy, the whole family stuck their heads out to watch the fun, only my dad was indifferent.

My dad really doesn't care much about people. He never asked about his grades as a child. When reviewing homework in the evening, only my mother would accompany me to study, and my father would visit the neighbor's house. Mom is very helpless, saying that Dad treats the house as a hotel.

In fact, after looking at other people's families, I found that my mother didn't care much about us either. I just remember not being able to do random things that cost money (she's not poor) as a kid, like learning the piano and playing taekwondo. Mom didn't think it was necessary, so she didn't give it, but she didn't realize that she was suppressing her child's interest. Maybe poverty was her sense of crisis, and she tried her best to save money.

My parents only remembered things when I was growing up that they didn't do to us as children. For example, my father was crazy about my children after my sister left (especially me, because he didn't talk much to my son), and my mother always asked me if I had enough money.

I'm used to nobody caring, the sudden over-caring, and honestly annoying. I know I have an obligation to heal my dad's loss of his daughter overnight, and I'm still learning. And about my mother, when she took the initiative to give me money, in fact, I was no longer short of money, but if she gave me money, I would still accept it. After college, I never took the initiative to ask her for money.

For various reasons, I don't really like going home. When I was in college, I heard people around me shouting that they wanted to go home. I didn't understand, and I even sympathized with them for having a homesick. Maybe I inherited my dad's indifference.

Speaking of my eldest brother, he took his girlfriend to work in Singapore.

They say that young people nowadays are cohabiting at every turn.

But they don't know that my brother and girlfriend have already registered.

I didn't say this because I'm not sure if my brother will let everyone know about it.

Going to my uncle's house feels like going back to half home.

Because they will chat about a lot of family matters, as well as the deceased father-in-law and mother-in-law.

I am very grateful to my uncle for taking me in during the epidemic, and I also feel that I want to accompany them in return. My uncle has no children, so the house is very quiet. I will chat for a week and hope to enrich them.

It's two o'clock in the middle of the night now, and I have a lot of thoughts.

My internship is over, but I plan to slowly write about what happened during my internship and record some interesting things.


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