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Cryptocurrency Bear Market Survival Guide|《Suffix》 ╳【🎇. Cryptocurrency] Incentive Proposal for Call for Papers

Under the premise of not changing the submission rules, two (optional) steps will be added. If you complete them, you can participate in the bonus bonus!

Hello everyone, the "Cryptocurrency Bear Market Survival Guide Essay" campaign organized by the editor-in-chief of "Postfix"@Jeger fits very well with the tonality of the [ Matters Discord Cryptocurrency Channel ].

Therefore, a proposal for channel funds utilization was initiated - it was passed earlier, thanks a lot - two (optional) steps have been added without changing the submission rules. If completed, you can participate in the bonus reward!

Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

Lazy bag: share + new article

This is the original text of the "Suffix" editor-in-chief @Jeger event invitation: https://matters.news/p/296577 .

Regarding the bonus bonus proposal, two additional (optional) steps are added as follows:

[Note] However, if the article is judged by the editor-in-chief @Jeger to be ineligible for essay writing, even if you complete the transfer and sharing, you will still not be eligible for the "Participation Plus Reward"!

  • New articles <br class="smart">Because the bonus bonus involves the calculation of the "Comprehensive Index" (discussed in detail later), the coverage only involves "new articles", which is June 16 (inclusive) on the day when the original text of the invitation was released. Subsequent articles will be included .

[Note] The bonus bonus covers the period: from June 16th to July 31st at 12:00 noon (GMT+8), articles submitted during the period.

◈ Cryptocurrency Bear Market Survival Guide|Incentive Proposal for Call for Papers

Please read the original text of the invited manuscript first, here are the activities in the text:

Writing direction:

✔️ Share investment strategies and ideas in response to the bear market .
✔️ Comprehension after personal investment loss.
✔️ Advice for stuck or newbies.
✔️In the original text of the invitation, the post-reading experience or response of the article is listed.
✔️ Old text available.

[Note] The editor-in-chief reminds kindly that after reading the experience/response to the style, be sure to let readers distinguish which are quotations and which are their own opinions!

◍The character limit is more than 500 characters.
When posting, please tag #cryptocurrency bear market survival guide and link the original text of the invitation .
◍The editor-in-chief judges that it is in line with the theme of the invitation, that is, support 500 LikeCoin. (Limited to the end of June, the same author can only support one article, the first 20 articles).

Regarding incentive proposals, two additional (optional) steps are added as follows:

[Note] However, if the article is judged by the editor-in-chief @Jeger as ineligible for essay writing, even if you complete the transfer and sharing, you will still not be eligible for the "Participation Plus Reward"!

"#" discussion thread
  • New articles <br class="smart">Because the bonus bonus involves the calculation of the "Comprehensive Index" (discussed in detail later), the coverage only involves "new articles", which is June 16 (inclusive) on the day when the original text of the invitation was released. Subsequent articles will be included.

[Note] The bonus bonus covers the period: from June 16th to July 31st at 12:00 noon (GMT+8), articles submitted during the period.

◈ Source of bonus bonus

  • The source of funding is the driver funding of Matters Discord. For details, please refer to the second announcement method , which is subject to community supervision.
  • 👇 Passed 👇
    During the campaign initiation stage, if the number of Discord campaign texts exceeds 10 likes (emoji), the project party will apply for 20,000 LikeCoins as a reward. At that time, it will be allocated to authors who are eligible for "Participation Plus Rewards".
  • As mentioned above, if the application threshold is not passed, 3,000 LikeCoin will be withdrawn from the monthly allocated LikeCoin as an equal reward .
  • At the same time, also apply for 1 Travelloggers NFT for event use.

◈ Composite Index

It's time to invent strange calculation formulas again (laughs).

Based on the data on the official report, for all submitted works, the "Comprehensive Index" of each article is calculated, which consists of four factors:

  • Read: The reading time of the submitted works / the reading time of all works.
  • Clap : The number of clapped works / the number of clapped works for all works.
  • Support : The number of supported works / the number of supported works for all works.
  • Collect : The number of collected works / the number of collected works of all works.

Then take the weighted average of these four factors:

Composite Index = Read * 0.3 + Clap * 0.3 + Support * 0.2 + Collect * 0.2

Next, enter the explanation link of "Additional Reward Distribution".

◈ Bonus bonus distribution

Situation 1: The threshold has not been passed

The bonus bonus is 3,000 LikeCoins. At this time, all authors who meet the "Participation Bonus Bonus" will receive an equal share of 3,000 LikeCoins, regardless of the "Comprehensive Indicators".

[Note] Calculated by "heads", which means that if you publish more than 2 articles, it is still regarded as 1 distribution right.

✅ Scenario 2: Threshold passed

When the bonus bonus comes to 20,000 LikeCoin, all the submitted works (compliance) that meet the "Participation bonus bonus" will be selected, and their comprehensive index will be sorted.

[Note] Calculated by "heads", which means that if you publish more than 2 articles, the one with the higher composite index will be used for competition.

  • The most comprehensive index
    One Travelloggers NFT.
  • 1,200 LikeCoins will be awarded to the top 5<br class="smart"> of the composite index .
  • The 6th to 10th place in the composite index <br class="smart"> each will be awarded 800 LikeCoins.
  • The rest of the rankings <br class="smart">are divided into 10,000 LikeCoins.

[Note] There is a bug in this allocation method. If the total number of articles is too small, it will cause the authors after the 11th place in the comprehensive index to receive a relatively high amount. Therefore, a package is formulated. When a bug occurs, the above plan will be invalidated, and the "equal share" system of bonuses will be adopted instead.

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