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The Seven Doors of Nirvana Part 1: An Authentic Buddhist Teaching—Translated by Helena Blavatz, "The Voice of Silence"

How to enter Nirvana through the seven preparations? Dedicated to just a few true students, this one will meet his needs.

Translated from "The Voice of Silence" - Helena Bravatz

"Master, my heart is determined, and I am thirsty for wisdom. You have lifted the veil of the mysterious path and taught the greater vehicle. Your servant is ready to be taught by you. 』

Very good, disciple.
Be prepared, because you will be walking alone and the teacher can only point the way.
The road is the same for all, but the way to get there must be different for everyone.

You fearless heart, which of the following would you choose?
By meditating on "the path" - the four jhanas?
Or through the six gates of noble virtues - Paramita - to the seventh step to Bodhi and Prajna wisdom?
The roads of the four jhanas are rough and meandering, and those who can climb the peaks are remarkable;
And the heights of Paramita are crossed by a steeper path.
You must work your way through seven gates, seven fortresses held by the incarnation of lust and passion, cruel and cunning forces.

Disciple, keep it up! Remember this golden rule—
Once you have passed the gate of "streaming", become "one who enters the stream of Nirvana";
Once you step into the bed of this stream—in this life or the next, there are only seven last incarnations before you.
Oh! A disciple with a strong will!

Behold, those who seek divine wisdom! What do you see before your eyes?

"Before my eyes was the abyss of matter, covered with a cloak of darkness, and I struggled in its folds.
Teacher, it is more profound under my gaze, and it dissipates under your wave.
A shadow moved, crawling and stretching like a coiled snake... growing in the dark, expanding and disappearing. 』

It's the shadow you cast out of that path, projected in the dark sin.

"Yes, teacher. I see that path:
Its beginning is in the muddy ground, and its apex fades in the radiance of Nirvana.
That is the road to wisdom; and the distance is a narrower and narrower door, full of hardships and thorns. 』

What you see is absolutely correct, disciple.
These portals lead aspirants across the waters to "reach the other side".
Every door has a golden key to open him, namely:

1. Giving: It is the key to charity and undying love.
2. Keeping the precepts: It is the key to the harmony between words and deeds, the key to balancing cause and effect, and no more karmic actions will be produced.
3. Patience: Patience is sweet, and nothing can disturb it.
Fourth, from the illusion: indifference to pleasure and pain, the illusion is conquered, only the truth is perceived.
5. Diligence: Fearless energy, struggling from the quagmire of lies on the surface, and striving to the supreme truth.
6. Jhana: Its golden gates, once opened, lead the sage to the realm of true eternity, endless meditation.
7. Prajna: This is the key that makes a man a god, a bodhisattva, a son of Dhyânis.
These are the golden keys that open the door.

O weaver who weaves your own freedom!
Before you can approach the final gate, you must master these perfect paramitas—the six or ten noble virtues—on the weary road.
For, disciple, what can you be taught before you are qualified to meet your teacher face to face, to reflect the light of the Lord?

And before approaching the first gate, you must learn to separate your mind from your body, dispel the shadows, and live in eternity.
For this you must live and breathe in all things, just as you perceive all things breathing in you;
Feel yourself inhabiting all things, and all things inhabiting the Self.

Don't let the senses use the mind as a playground.

You should not separate your being from the Greater Being and other beings;
But as the ocean melts into the droplets, and the droplets into the ocean—then you will be in perfect harmony with all life;

Love people as if they were your brothers and sisters;
Like the children of the same teacher and the children of the same loving mother.

There are many teachers, but the master soul - the alaya consciousness, the cosmic soul - is one.
Live in the soul of the Lord as his rays are in you;
Live in your companions as they live in the Lord's soul.

When you stand at the threshold of the road, before the first door,
you must...

Next: The Seven Doors of Nirvana (2): The First Three Doors: Precepts, Giving, and Patience

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Next: The Seven Doors of Nirvana (2): The First Three Doors: Precepts, Giving, and Patience


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