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Matters - Community Play: The Ghost Story of the Ferret

The ferret first said that this timid and afraid person, please don't click to watch it, and it is not recommended to watch it at night, anyway, I have reminded it.

Before I tell the ghost story of the ferret, I will first tell you that I am timid and afraid of ghosts and are easily frightened. I will try my best to restore the situation at that time.

Source - Photographer: Zsófia Fehér, Link: Pexels

Although the ferret likes to watch movies, I am super afraid of watching ghost movies, the ghost movies that I watch in life. Counting 10 fingers, I was taken by my grandpa to see a ghost call when I was in elementary school (yes~ I just turned my back to the screen, which caused a shadow in my life. QQ)
It’s super easy to be frightened when watching ghost movies!!!! The kind that screams, but it’s really easy to be frightened~ Woohoo~ I’ll be paranoid after watching it for a few days, so I don’t watch ghost movies or die. , thriller (bloody) I accept.

Just to share a funny experience, when I went to the cinema with my classmates to watch Ghost Slayer - Infinite Train ,
There is a scene in the animation where the villain suddenly rushed out to fight with Yanzhu. At that moment, the sound and the picture were too sudden. I jumped up on the chair. My classmate is a very calm person. After watching the movie, he laughed. It was funny to say that I was just frightened, he saw me shaking XD. Yes, even watching cartoons can be scary. (It's safe not to shout).
Soothing bullshit time is over.
To get to the point.

There are so many ghost stories that ferrets and friends have experienced together, so I will pick a few that are impressive.

1. Doors that are automatically locked <br class="smart">The place where the ferrets live is a large community. We have a leisure center (I call it the basement) on the first floor of the basement, where children and adults in the community can rest and play with air-conditioning. It's where I used to play since I was a kid.
There are TV, slides, billiards, billiards, swimming pool, computer room, reading area, KTV, gym, cinema.
In the past, I would play with friends in the community in the basement. The point is that there is free air-conditioning to blow XDDD
Of course, there must be an administrator in such a place. At that time, it was an aunt. His job was actually to manage chores in the basement. In his spare time, he would play cards or chat with us. We have a good relationship, so we call him the basement. Aunt

It happened in the afternoon of one summer vacation. My aunt told me and my friend: He wants to prepare water and drinks for the community meeting of residents, and put the things in the warehouse. He wants to ask my friend and me to help him move. Of course we agreed. Yeah, after all, the friendship is very good.
The warehouse is behind the aunt's seat, which is a common horn lock.
(There are some sundries inside, which is about 2 pings of space.)

Aunt: 🤱🏻, ferret: 🦡, friend: 🐶

Aunty uses the key to open the door~ (open the door to the maximum)
🤱🏻: The water and drinks inside helped me move out.
🦡🐶: No problem, Auntie.
🤱🏻: Then I will prepare other things outside, waiting for you to eat 🦡🐶: Yeah~~~
My friend and I went to the far end and each carried a box of water and drinks

Suddenly~(with a touch~~the door closes)
I thought to myself why Auntie closed the door, my friend and I have things in our hands.
🦡: I shouted (Auntie~~~ help us open the door.)
🤱🏻: Why are you locking the door, so I have to use the key to open the door.
🦡🐶: No, we just moved drinks in the innermost and the door was closed. (We thought it was you who closed it)
At that moment, the three of us didn't speak.
🤱🏻: You guys move things out first.
Then the three of us were discussing, it should be too windy, but the door lock won't lock itself, that's for sure.
Generally speaking, the speaker lock does not have the function of anti-locking, hehe~ we encountered it👻Hello

2. Disappeared friends<br class="smart">The same location is in the basement. This time, I met a group of dancing friends when I was in China. We will dance in the pool room (because the wooden floor is suitable for dancing) ~XD), behind the pool table is the pool room.

One day at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, as usual, we were dancing on the wooden billiard floor. Someone suggested to buy a drink and started asking everyone what they wanted to drink. They found that one person was missing, and everyone wanted to find him and ask him for a drink. What, or wait to be mouth enough friends.
As a result, all the people searched the basement, but they didn't see any trace of him, and he just disappeared.
The weird place is here. Everyone searched for a long time and returned to the place where he practiced the dance. Where did he go?
He came out of the pool room at 4pm and we all said how are you there?
He said: What? I was just tired and slept on the sofa in the pool room.
We said: When we just went in, we didn't see you inside.
(And not only go in once to find him)
He said: What? Are you kidding me?
The rest of us shut up

The third : the scary hide-and-seek cat.
The group of dancing friends I met when I was in the middle school were actually crazy. We would go to the middle school to play hide and seek at night. The middle school I attended was a school where the middle and high schools were together, so our game scope was the entire school campus.
We also agreed that the game time standard is to end at 8:00. No matter whether anyone is caught or not, we will leave the school.
If there is fog, I will stop playing and go home. I seriously say that playing hide and seek at school at night is very exciting. If you are lucky and the nearby store is on a public holiday, the playground will be very dark. You can also hide in the classroom or the toilet, as long as you dare XD
(Of course there are some forbidden areas to go to, which will be covered in the next story.)

Something strange happened to me today.
It's not that I'm a ghost. When I'm discovered, I accompany the ghost to find other people.
We were on our way to the middle school in the atrium corridor of the high school.

Go to the middle school map

In the middle is the flowerbed, and the green one is the tree, which is how he planted it. The key tree is actually very dense.
When my friend and I passed the flowerbed and were about to cross to the middle school, when I just walked out of the corridor to the first tree,
Frozen~ A dead bird fell from the sky. ( Scare people, how can there be dead birds)
And then we continue to go further to another tree,
Frozen ~ Another dead bird fell down
I said: tell everyone else, it's time for us to get out of here, it's starting to get foggy
(We then went around the corridor to find them in the middle school, yes, I was surprised at the time~ (very scary)

Fourth: the taboo of hide and seek

The way we play hide-and-seek on campus at night is a bit different, that is, the one who is the ghost must see the person and touch him to be caught, so the ghost should also be careful about his whereabouts, people can also move, don't be caught It's fine if the ghost catches it.

That's right~ I should say that this is the most terrifying story and you will be afraid of it, please skip it. The taboo for us to hide and seek is that we can't go to the garbage dump and the old building in the middle school. The old building in our middle school was very short, about three floors. The outer wall is the height of the parapet , and the top floor is the one without walls.

The story goes like this, once when my friend was playing hide and seek with others, he ran to the old building. Before that, it was not a taboo area. He saw from a distance that a person was on the top floor of the old building. He thought ok , secretly hide on the top floor and watch me catch you.

He sneaked up to the top floor and saw the man wearing our school's sports uniform, and suddenly jumped from the top floor.
My friend thought to himself: Why are you fighting so hard? He should be all right and look downstairs, only to see the man sitting on the flowerbed with his head lowered, looking a little uncomfortable.
My friend rushed to the first floor and looked at him. He wanted to ask him if he was okay, but the man raised his head, looked at him with a pale face and smiled slowly at him without saying a word. .
My friend thought to myself~ Maybe I will meet.......
He immediately fled the school with a rush, hehe~

Fifth: The person above the gazebo?
This is what happened when I went to practice in high school. We went to the school where we practiced. There was a pavilion next to a man-made lake. One night, the weather was fine. The senior told us that I would take you to watch the animals at night , but wait. Waiting to pass a gazebo and never go up at night.
And there is a legendary story, that is, a girl will ask you what time it is in the gazebo?
If you answer his questions you will be pulled into the lake.
We want to say that it should be the legend of the seniors being fooled, but because I am not familiar with the road, I obediently followed the seniors, (the fireflies are very beautiful)
We saw a lot of animals along the way smoothly. When we got to the pavilion, our partner next to us said, isn't this the pavilion we visited last time?
It turned out that four of them were bored last time, so they sneaked down to the lake and took a selfie in the gazebo, but nothing happened.
Suddenly a girl next to me didn't speak, she said, senior, let's get out of here quickly, I'm a little tired. The senior took us back the other way, and when we were halfway there, it was foggy again, (fog is a signal to me, right)
I told the seniors: Let's walk faster, it feels a little weird.
Finally, when we all went back to the resting place, the girl said: I just saw a woman in white in the gazebo, and another fat boy said: I saw it too.
The point is that on the way back, the fat boy was a little uncomfortable. I asked him what was wrong with you. He looked at me and said that he was a little out of breath. When I looked into his eyes, I was frightened.
One of his eyes looked like he had cataracts , and there was a layer of white-gray -gray on it.
I said: How are your eyes?
He said: It's a little fuzzy, maybe I'm too tired.
The next day I saw his eyes and they were back to normal, and even he couldn't explain what was wrong.

!!! The above is a selection of supernatural stories of ferrets, in fact, there are many more!!!!!!
But I myself have never seen a ghost, and I have never encountered a ghost. Maybe I was born without that fate.
Am I afraid of ghosts? Actually, I really want to see ghosts, but I don't like being "scared".
Do you have any scary ghost stories around you?
Welcome to share with me


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