

waterloo of the slideshow

[Shuixiang Xiansi] It is rare to have carefully prepared this academic report. In order to keep the report from being too dull and crowded, I chose a sample slideshow that is freely available online. In addition to more vivid appearance and more flexible animation, it is also convenient for me to synchronize and save while editing. And they are all stored in the cloud, so there is no fear of data loss. Unexpectedly, cleverness was mistaken by cleverness, but it was a miserable Waterloo when he officially played.

Each report is limited to a short fifteen minutes, which alone is nerve-wracking. The advantage of cloud files is that they can be opened anytime and anywhere as long as they can access the Internet, but the disadvantage is that they must be opened online. As a result, I was in a hurry to connect to the Internet and spent some precious time. But some obstacles could not hit me, because I didn't know the difficulties were still to come.

Well, after connecting to the Internet, I also had to log into my email account to open the slideshow on the cloud. This was a nuisance, but since I was logging in with an unfamiliar computer, the emails became jittery and asked me to two-factor authentication, which means having to confirm on the phone that it was me who was trying to log in. Even so, should it be a no-brainer? Unexpectedly, he asked me to select the verification number displayed by the computer on the phone, and I got no response when I selected the right one. Obviously the brainchild is close at hand, but it is like a cloud in the distance. Due to the lack of time, in the end, I simply gave up the projection, and just looked at the phone.

Although the results were not too bad, and the advisors could understand my presentation, my efforts to attract people from other fields of study were in vain. Since I didn't get much sleep, I was in high spirits after the report. I couldn't sit still and read in the library, so I decided to go swimming and exercise. After swimming, taking a shower, and stepping out of the pool, I noticed a strange reminder from the email program on my phone. It turns out that the email has always "recruited", saying that he blocked suspicious logins for me in the afternoon. I immediately poured out six or seven swear words in my heart.

Oh, so I enter my password first, and then after double-authentication by phone, the email still judges me to be suspicious? And even if I hold the phone, my email is still being blocked without my knowledge. How suspicious is it? Moreover, it only sends a signal to remind you after the situation has changed. What is it like to be mocking? I can also comfort myself that everything is wiser, but fortunately Waterloo did not happen on important occasions.


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