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The Witch Circe|The Growth and Awakening of Women

If you are looking forward to an epic heroic mythology, you can skip this one.

This is a story about women rebelling against theocracy, patriarchy, and self-development.

The protagonist Circe is the daughter of the sun god and the second goddess Nymph Perse, but she did not inherit the divine power of her father. , has not been seen since childhood.

The neglect of her parents, the cynicism of her brothers and sisters, she lived in confusion when she was a child, she only knew how to obey her father, and lived like other Nymphs, without self.

She longs to be loved, to be noticed, but no one ever pays attention to her.

Later, her mother gave birth to another son, but because the son was ugly, the mother wanted to abandon him. Circe took over to take care of the younger brother. The younger brother became the object of her love. However, when the younger brother grew up, he was talented and intelligent Being valued by her father, she also left.

She, who still longed for love, found love in a mortal. When she was young, she turned this mortal into a god for love. However, when she got a godhead, she also became selfish and empathetic.

Abandoned and betrayed again and again, she takes out all her resentment on a Nymph who stole her lover, turning her into a monster. It was also because of this incident that she realized her own strength. Although she had no divine power, she was a witch.

Youth is a sign of rebelliousness, and God welcomes the creation of monsters, because only when monsters do evil can it show the importance of the protection of gods.

No one thought it was Circe who did this, but she admitted it herself, because if she were different, Prometheus said that she was different from others. Her godhead had humanity, compassion and love, so she turned herself in , which resulted in her being sentenced to eternal exile on the island of Aiyaye.

Most of the story takes place on this island. After experiencing so much emotional damage, she has grown up and no longer easily puts out her emotions and no longer easily shows her emotions.

However, she was still no match for the loneliness on the island. When Hermes, the god of tricks, came to tease her, although she hated him, she still needed his company because she was lonely.

Until the first time a group of sailors came ashore for help, she entertained them with a feast, but when the sailors were drunk and full, she raped her.

No one is evil in the first place, and will become evil. There is always a story. She became the legendary vicious shrine maiden probably from here.

She turned all the sailors into pigs and killed them. She would turn them into pigs without any hesitation when they came to the shore for help in the future.

She grew up again, loneliness once made her weak and innocent, she once again collected herself and became stronger.

When the human hero Ossed came here, she had already matured. During the year she spent with Ossed, she talked about a short and mature love, not nostalgic, not demanding, not revealing.

After Ossed was gone, she gave birth to a son whom she could love with all her heart.

After all, the son's heart is outgoing, and he will eventually leave her. Although Circe gave birth to her son for herself, her love for her son was great. Although she was reluctant to part with her son, she was willing to think from his point of view and achieve what he wanted. Because he knew that leaving his son alone on an island, he would never be happy in his life, and no matter how worried he was, he was still willing to let go.

After hundreds of years of precipitation and growth, she finally bravely resisted the patriarchy and fought for freedom. I loved the conversation she had against her father, fearful but brave in making her demands.

From beginning to end, it was her bloodline and godhead that trapped her, she didn't want them all, she wanted to be free, and she wanted to be what she wanted to be.

In the end, she gave up the godhead she had always hated, became a mortal, and spent the rest of her life with someone who loved her, which is a fulfilling story.

Maybe some people will think that since her father has set her free, why does she have to give up her godhead and immortality, doesn't it feel a pity?

In fact, from the very beginning, she hated the power struggles and intrigues of the gods. Because of eternal life, God never needs to change. They have no mercy or love. They only have their own hearts, and they never need to move forward.

But Circe kept moving forward and kept changing. Godhead and bloodline were not grace, but the shackles that hindered her growth. She hated God, and even hated herself being God.

She resisted the long-standing laws with tiny strength, resisted the divine power far greater than her, resisted the predetermined fate with her actions, and drank the potion that would become a mortal, representing her greatest declaration that she could decide your own destiny.


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