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"Suffix" interview and writing camp follow-up ~ interview notes

It's almost a month since the interview published in May, so I'll take advantage of the time to sort out the bits and pieces of my experience during that time.

I remember that when the proposal for the "Suffix" interview and writing camp came out, I was already eager to try it out. With the help of the pen , I washed my head off 😄

When choosing the interviewees, I actually had a bit of a tricky mentality, because I participated in the book club held by Hugo University , and also joined the discussion group of Line. On the premise that I am not too unfamiliar with Hugo University, I felt that if I followed suit. Hugo University's two major features - public welfare book clubs and military personnel . The content of the article seems to have been well developed. Rather than being unsure of finding a completely unfamiliar interviewee, to re-understand the interviewee and compile an outline, Hugo University should be a good one. choose.
(If the content of the article is not satisfactory, maybe it can be made up for the lack of Hugo's great looks and singing voice, I am really thoughtful 🤣)

In addition to the mail interview guide provided by the "Suffix" interview and writing camp, I also searched for some interview skills on the Internet. After integrating and absorbing them, I slowly implemented them in this interview, which I found very rewarding.

🚀 Collect information

The pre-work of interviewing is to collect information and ask questions .
After extensive collection of data, start reading, absorbing, sorting, and then finding the parts you need to analyze.

It was at this time (after Hugo Da gladly accepted the invitation) that Fang Gangyuan expected to focus on reading clubs and military status, and began to collect information, only to find that Pen Da had introduced Hugo Da and public welfare reading as early as 2021.会-reading pen farming | #matcityauthordigging treasure • Reading is public welfare, Hugo , there are good articles introduced before, how should I break through?

However, the main point of collecting data is to analyze the differences, how others write about the same topic, and think about how to find the characteristics if it is an interview by yourself. In the end, I decided to briefly introduce the origin and operation of the book club, and focus on managing it myself. The bits and pieces of the reading club, the experience is the main.

When collecting information, in addition to the articles on the FB fan page of " Public Welfare Book Club ", I also watched the videos. The more information I read, the more questions I found and my curiosity arose (I remember that Hugo was also surprised at me at that time. I even watched the previous films) , this should be the so-called analysis of differences and search for characteristics.

🚀 Develop the main axis of the interview

A core interview axis will be extended to more related issues, and how to formulate these related issues should be closely followed by the main axis. You can use the "cross ☩ thinking" method.

The method of "cross thinking" can be used to formulate the main axis of the interview. For example, take the competition analysis of commodities as an example,
The "vertical line" of the cross refers to the upstream and downstream suppliers and channels of the brand or enterprise.
The "horizontal line" is the parallel environment, such as the current state of the industry, the surrounding development situation, and so on.

My interview policy this time is expected to be based on the characteristics of Hugo University - public welfare reading club and military personnel , and finally return to the meeting with Matters . The three major policies are accompanied by a cross thinking method to develop the interview guide, which really feels fast and comprehensive.

✴ Public welfare book club

✅ Vertical line: plan to access unforgettable memories during the operation from the course of operation (including: initial difficulties, member joining or moving moments), and expectations for the future ✅ Horizontal line: parallel to the hardships of the environment, such as There have been many book chat platforms and book clubs set up in the market. How to stand out from the Red Sea and discuss the characteristics of public welfare book clubs.

✴ Professional soldier status

✅ Vertical line: Want to know the opportunity to embark on the military? Unforgettable memories of training or work, and expectations for the future.
✅ Horizontal line: As a soldier, do you feel any difference from others? (style of thinking or stress resistance, etc.); advantages or disadvantages of this status?

✴ Matters and Hugo

I didn't deal with the cross thinking method, I directly asked questions about what I found, and occasionally gave a little advice based on my expectations as a fan

🚀List of interviews

The order of the interview outline is almost equal to the structure of an article. The number of questions is determined according to the length of the output content and the interview time. The most basic way is to start with the interviewee's own story, so that the interviewee can first let go of his guard.

The safest interview outline is to list soft questions in the first 1-2 questions, list the most important questions in the middle of the interview, and leave 1-2 questions at the end, such as future prospects and follow-up plans. question.

However , let the interviewees read the interview outline first, and absolutely respect the other party's right not to answer .

🚀 Fake question

Find the right questions in advance, so that you will not deviate from the topic during the interview, and you will have more topics when you go home and write.
  1. The way to find problems can make good use of 6 ( when, where, who, when, why, how )
  2. In character interviews, you can ask why ❓, and ask more about ideas, beliefs, values, ideas, and judgments . Don’t ask questions that everyone will get the exact same answer~
  3. The format of the question is basically "known" + "unknown" , that is, it is modified by citing the collected data (known), and the unknown part is asked as "Why" & "How" as much as possible. Through the known question and answer, the question will not be reduced to a rigid one, and it also shows the intention of the interviewer. Asking questions with "Why" & "How" can allow the interviewee to better develop and reveal their ideas; using such a question The way to prolong the question is what matters when asking the question.

After receiving a reply to Hugo's question, I asked again if there were any topics I wanted to express but didn't mention. On the one hand, I respected the interviewees, and on the other hand , when Hugo seemed to be interested, I used the status of a fan. (While making Hugo in a daze) I have to suggest whether I can provide a file of Gaoge Yiqu and a photo of the handsome self, and the interviewee also agrees readily. I feel that this interview, the atmosphere creation should be considered a success✌

🚀 Get consent

"Obtaining consent 👌" is not as simple as asking if you are willing to be interviewed, because you must do your homework first, provide the interview outline for the other party to read, confirm that there is no problem, and only make an appointment.

In this interview, I was rather lazy😏, after all, I already knew Hugo, so I asked him directly without doing my homework first.

But I do my homework and then ask about it. I feel that I don’t need to collect information, formulate the main interview guideline, list the interview outline, and formulate questions like the above. All are well prepared, just wait for the other party to nod and agree. wasted 😆

Thinking of the course I was going to take recently - agile work management, using agile methods to deal with it, responding to various emergencies at any time to improve, and quickly producing products, don't make a comprehensive plan, only to find that the results are not as expected. ( After class, I will sort out my experience for your reference)

Therefore, while collecting data, sorting out and digesting, while drafting the interview outline, you can make a proposal to the interviewee after you have a prototype, and then change and supplement it in a timely manner according to the interviewee's request.

I always feel that after the interview is published, the task is not really completed. I want to record the thoughts and process during this period, and also give myself an explanation, and the follow-up gifts 🎁 and Easter eggs are even more surprising than I expected. Explain again.

When the article is published, the interview experience, and the tidbit record , after the completion of the trilogy, it can be regarded as the completion of my own interview and curation. 🎉


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