Lily Chen
Lily Chen

我用文字理解自己和這個世界給我的種種感受,唯有靜下來好好寫些什麼的時候,我覺得自己最像自己,已經不必再有任何心理狀態的偽裝。 也歡迎來追蹤我的方格子帳號:

past seasons

A photo, a little mood.

There seems to be an infinite number of photos in my phone, and my camera’s memory card still relies on many unorganized videos. My hands can’t keep up with the messages my mind wants to convey, and my brain can’t keep up with the infinite thoughts in my heart. Little things to be done.

It's just a small matter, so let it pass!

In my diary, I often write about yesterday, the day before yesterday, or the day before yesterday, or if I feel that the moment is very beautiful and must be recorded, but I have never done it since then, because I always have a stronger feeling that I want to protect the present.

But it's been so busy lately! I'm trying to figure out this "busy". Personally, I don't like the feeling of being busy, because I always feel that being busy makes life easy to live in a panic, but it's obviously not a big deal, so why am I so impatient.

My husband and I told me that there seemed to be a monkey, a pig, and a cat living in my head.

Sometimes the monkey is very restless, wanting everything, trying to see everything. In the morning, I want to write articles, draw pictures, and watch TV. In the afternoon, I want to bake cakes and make videos. While doing this, I wonder why the unfinished novel in the morning was so badly written... .. The monkey is always energetic and self-critical, and the monkey urges me to constantly enrich myself and satisfy my brain's addiction to fulfillment.

Recently, I started to find that monkey annoyed, because he made my pigs become retaliatory eating, I started to snack when I was stressed, and the more I ate pigs, the more sad I became, because the pig I raised was very greedy. , but he wants to be a healthy and happy pig, not a mess to eat, pigs must feed themselves well, I want to take care of the pig in my brain, to satisfy his appetite but not to indulge.

As for the cat in my head? Lately, it's probably only when you're in bed in the morning that you're most cat-like. I want to be more like a cat, lazy and calm, even if I just know how to bask in the sun all day lazily, the cat should not be blamed, because he has a lovely soul.

My monkeys, pigs and cats have to readjust to find a balance in life.

So, spare yourself in the seasons that have passed, and now you can rest or work hard! Inner balance is the most important.

"One Photo, One Mood" series:


Thank you for taking the time to read my article in the precious time of the day.

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I will continue to publish articles on Matters, and I look forward to meeting friends through texts. I wish you a good day and peace of mind :)



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