

Abstracts and thoughts! As long as you read a lot, you can get a good score? Not always! It's about whether the child learns this


"Reading comprehension" and "a lot of reading" are actually two different things. So how to train children's reading comprehension ability? If you really want to understand the text correctly, you actually have to go through a very important thing called "thinking". Children have to think about the key points in the article before they can truly understand the meaning of the text.



Totally agree with the above "Digest" argument! !

I have found that many children read very quickly and finish a book very quickly, but when I ask him the content, he can't explain it. Therefore, I have always felt that in addition to reading, it is also necessary to share (it is better to actively "want to share", rather than "to share", because the latter is a bit like "exam", so it is easy to lose the fun of reading.)


In addition, we found out why some children are very willing to pursue the "quantity of reading", but cannot implement the "quality of reading", which seems to be related to the reading certification promoted by the school unit or the library unit. We often see "Little Masters" in the news. I read hundreds of books a year, and what kind of certification is obtained? It's really the light of OO City, and I feel "disgusting". Really disgusting! How can you read it! This should not be considered "reading" (reading books)! It should be "flipbook".


Therefore, I have always felt that it is really important to find a time to establish a "family reading time". Every member of the family who can read, read books together, read together, and after reading, share each other's views for a period of time. Seeing and sharing is the real "reading".


Stop spelling out a lot of "lots of reading"! ! That's just flipping through the book, it doesn't make any sense. Encourage children to share, talk about the main idea of the book, talk about the themes and problems in the book, and build a "good time to read" together. The habit of reading should be established as early as possible. Read with your child.


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