
Europe's Radical Transformation: When Far-Left Elites Meet Reality

While ordinary people are busy dealing with the challenges of daily life, the elites are immersed in their own idealism. The rise of Geert Wilders symbolizes popular dissatisfaction with being ignored and a backlash against the current political situation. The article emphasizes that the self-healing mechanism of democracy is working and the political pendulum will readjust to reflect broader public opinion.
"Elites" vs "bastards", concept map

Oh, what a wonderful world our far-left elites have built in their ivory towers. Their idealism is so lofty that ordinary people can only look up from the ground. But wait, ordinary people don’t seem to have time to appreciate these spectacular ideals because they are too busy dealing with the rising cost of living, declining quality of life, and concerns about their culture and identity.

In this wonderful new world where elites are disconnected from the people, when a figure named Geert Wilders emerges and speaks to the worries and fears of ordinary people, they have the audacity to express their opinions with their votes ! Oh my God, there are still people who dare to challenge the elites’ beautiful dreams of globalization and extreme tolerance!

These ordinary people, why don't they understand? Our elites have told them that all problems can be solved with more tolerance, more open borders and unlimited understanding. But these die-hard voters seem more concerned with their own living conditions than with higher ideals.

It seems that our far-left elites need a deep self-examination. They may need to step down from their towers and into the real world to listen to the voices of those they call "the forgotten." After all, democracy is for everyone, isn’t it? Perhaps that’s the beauty of democracy’s self-healing mechanism: When the political pendulum swings too far, it always finds its way back.





House prices are soaring : The average house price in the Netherlands exceeds 400,000 euros, and the average house price in three cities exceeds 1 million euros. There are nine times as many people buying houses as there are houses. Right-wing parties point out that the arrival of immigrants and international students has strained the supply of social housing, making it difficult for Dutch people to buy a house. In the summer of 2022, hundreds of immigrants were forced to sleep on the streets due to overflowing reception centers, causing public order controversy.

Immigration issues : According to official Dutch statistics, more than 400,000 immigrants will arrive in the Netherlands in 2022, including refugees, working foreigners and international students. Among them, more than 46,000 people have applied for asylum, and it is expected that the number will exceed 70,000 in 2023, becoming a peak in the past eight years.

Rising cost of living : Due to the energy crisis, the Dutch government introduced an energy price cap policy to ease the pressure. However, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) believes that this is not conducive to economic development and cannot prevent commodity prices from rising. The Dutch economic growth is expected to be 4.2% in 2022, but the growth rate will almost stagnate at 0.6% in 2023. The EU inflation rate reached 15.4% in the third and fourth quarters of 2022, is expected to drop to 9.5% in 2023, and is expected to drop to 4.2% in 2024. Since the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, energy has become more expensive, prices of various goods in supermarkets have increased, and the cost of living in the Netherlands has increased by 11.8%​​​​.


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