


紀念2020 年3 月1 日史上最嚴互聯網法規實行。



別看今天鬧得歡今後拉清單波濤洶湧的河就要淹沒你在微博Enter 留下發布的痕跡我親自指揮編纂數據別看今天鬧得歡今後拉清單風狂雨驟的海就要掀翻你梁家河慶豐包子價格二十一我通商寬衣



別看今天鬧得歡今後拉清單波濤洶湧的河就要淹沒你在微博Enter 留下發布的痕跡我親自指揮編纂數據別看今天鬧得歡今後拉清單習近平新時代禁評千萬里為了有輕關易道無限的權利我來做皇帝


Pride comes before the list
There is something above you
Arrogantly I made a constitutional amendment of unbreakable rules
Whoever disagrees please raise your hands
Haven't I carried 100 kg wheat
I wouldn't have dared to sleep and turn over the pool
Shandong study buddies undressed
Breaking the peace of the Chinese Dream

Pride comes before the list
The roaring water in the river is to kill you
Pressing Enter to post on Weibo
I gave instructions to fake statistics in person
Pride comes before the list
The rainstorms over the sea are to overthrow you
Baozi in Qingfeng™ is ¥21 each
I will simplify customs procedures, improve infrastructures, make it convenient for business transactions and undress

I amended the constitution to continue in office for unlimited years
Those who disagreed and raised their hands have been in Xi's list
Lacking education, I am too stupid to read from a scripted speech correctly
Without a term of office, I stand firm in declaring myself Emperor
The ridiculous Bing-Bong diplomacy made a scene
I threw 8 billion dollars around
Poverty having been cut, GDP per capita is 80 million yuan
Huawei jailed you for 251 days

Pride comes before the list
The biogas digester vomiting up shit is to bury you
King Sager is creating the legend of booklists
Foreshadowing the overthrow of the oceans
Pride comes before the list
The rainstorms over the sea are to overthrow you
Baozi in Qingfeng™ is ¥21 each
I will simplify customs procedures, improve infrastructures, make it convenient for business transactions and undress

Pride comes before the list
The roaring water in the river is to kill you
Pressing Enter to post on Weibo
I gave instructions to fake statistics in person
Pride comes before the list
Comments are disabled anywhere in Xi's new era
To have the power of simplifying customs procedures, improving infrastructures, making it convenient for business transactions and undressing
I am going to ascend the throne


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