
在臺北努力生存的馬來西亞人 🇲🇾✈️🇹🇼 Instagram: jingshi924 熱愛生活, 閱讀, 文字, 喜歡的樂團是五月天, 喜歡春天和秋天, 不聰明但很努力生活的社會新鮮人。 #願你的善良能被這世界善待#

Our current


Our current class is about to graduate in June, which is full of graduation season.

This year, we are new people who are about to enter the society.

In our current session, even Bi Brigade was forced to postpone.

This year, even the graduation ceremony was changed online.

In our current session, there was no way we could say goodbye to our friends.

This year, our expectations for post-graduation have also turned into fears.

And the murderer of all this - the new crown pneumonia.

Will there be regrets? Of course there will be.

When I came to study in Taiwan, it was very sad that my family could not come to my graduation ceremony. Now even the graduation ceremony is online.

Maybe there will be regrets to make this memory more profound.

I just hope the epidemic will end soon.

The medical staff on the front line,

Thanks for your hard work.

It's okay to go out.

Epidemic prevention first,

Stay at home.


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