

[2020 Matters Annual Questionnaire]: A Year Without a Summary

Although it has always been a habit to write down a few things that I want to do in the year at the beginning of the year as a New Year's indicator, I haven't really written anything about the year, maybe because of Hong Kong The dawn of 2020 and the end of the plague are far away, and even in the last days of 2020, I still don’t have a sense of “summary”. I inadvertently saw that several literary friends on Matters have answered this questionnaire. After thinking about it for a day, I still want to try to write it, as well as sorting out my own mood.

Question 1. There are only ten days left in 2020. Share an event that you didn’t expect to happen this year at the beginning of the year? How has this event changed your life?

It was a young and middle-aged friend who passed away. This friend said that being close is not the closest, and that being distant is not very distant, but he was still hit. I have already mentioned this in another article, so I will not repeat it here.

Question 2. In 2020, what things give you the deepest sense of meaning?

Happiness and daily life are not inevitable. Whether it is the "National Security Law" in Hong Kong or the "Wuhan Pneumonia" raging around the world, all of them have destroyed our daily life overnight. Because I was born in the Hong Kong-British era, I didn’t know what to worry about, and I never thought that logic, theory, justice, and legal system that seemed unbreakable could collapse so quickly if they encountered villains, and this happened not only in Hong Kong, but also in Britain and the United States. Too.

Question 3. The global epidemic is still severe. Please record an epidemic event that you think is worth remembering.

At the beginning of the epidemic, someone quoted Stalin's words: "The death of one person is a tragedy, and the death of one million people is just a statistic." Although he is very reluctant, it is undeniable that since the development of Wufei, everyone is concerned about the development of the lungs every day. There is an almost numb fatigue in the update numbers of diagnoses/deaths on the news now. In June, the UK's daily death toll fell back into double digits at one point, and the health secretary tweeted: "Only 36 people died today! We're going to win this battle!" Hey, not "just" "36 people died, but "another" 36 people died unfortunately.

Is that what is meant by history? It's a real tragedy when a lot of anonymous people turn into a number that will appear on a Wikipedia page.

Question 4. How has travel restrictions in 2020 changed your relationship with others/the world? Is there any person/thing that you must see/do when the epidemic is over?

She is a house girl herself, and she has been working from home 90% of the time before the outbreak, so the interaction with people has not changed much. Of course, at the same time, I also rediscovered that people are animals that live in groups. Even though I am very "household", I have recently found that occasionally I can talk face-to-face with other people (shop clerks or delivery people) just like before. Kind of happy. After the epidemic has passed, I want to drive to a very open place to travel. Recently, I have watched a lot of dramas (such as Australia's Outback drama) with pictures of the vast land. Even if my body is not good, at least my eyes can go farther.

Question 5. Tell me about a conflict you encountered in 2020 that was difficult to resolve. The conflict here refers to: you feel that your beliefs and behaviors have conflicted.

Did not feel such a contradiction... The only thing that can be said is, the death penalty? I myself am not in favor of the death penalty, but there have been too many things in recent years, and sometimes people are so angry that you would hope that the wicked will have evil retribution, and some crimes cannot be offset by life imprisonment. But that's my state of mind when I'm angry, and if there's a vote, I think I'd still be against it.

Question 6. Share a moment when you "suddenly understood the position I was against."

I can't say I understand, I can only say I accept it. If some people choose to blindly believe and pursue certain "ideas" no matter how hard you present evidence, they will not change. They either subtly distort the facts you put forward, or go to them The alternative truths of, well, even "truth" can have alternatives, there are a lot of them on social media, we are living in such an era.

Q7. Compared to a year ago, how has your relationship with your body changed? Do you like your current body more?

No, I grew up disliking my body. My friends call me a "medicine pot", and I was denied insurance by HSBC in the UK because of some minor issues a year ago, so I had to be extra careful when facing the fight against lung cancer.

Question 8. After 2020, have you found something about yourself that you cannot stop?

The lockdown has given me more time to write. In fact, my dream when I was a child was to be a writer. My parents all laughed at me that I would be poor forever. In fact, I immediately bowed my head to five buckets of rice after I came out of the society. But in the end, I didn’t work hard, so I couldn’t use life as an excuse. . In 2021 (and beyond), I hope to be able to write more (and draw more things), no matter whether the writer's dream comes true or not, sky is the limit.

Question 9. Please share with us your most listened song, your favorite book or your most memorable movie in 2020

The books I read the most this year are "1984" and "Animal Farm". I personally think the latter is better than the former. It's also good to watch Haruki Murakami's "Abandoned Cat" and "One Person Singular", it seems that the Murakami literature that I fell in love with when I was a teenager is finally back; in terms of movies/TV series, HBO's "Sharp Objects" whether it is a novel or a The episodes are all good-looking, entertaining, and write feminism from another angle. I watched "Tenet" yesterday, and it was also very good. I had the opportunity to write an afterthought.

Question 10. Finally, can you please represent your 2020 with a photo.

Credit: ミレ (Twitter: @amaitorte)

It's not a photo, but an illustration circulating on Twitter, titled "The Evolution of Working Boys" (サラリーマンの Evolution), so cute. If I want to go to Zoom, I will freshen up, and then wear an Unqlo black turtleneck pullover Top (I have a lot of pieces) on the upper body, a little foundation, and then quickly draw the eyeliner twice, and take it! Long live work from home!

Please fill in the blanks: 2020, hope matters.


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