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What is the real "May 1st" spirit

To commemorate "May Day", we must first break down nationalism. The rulers, government, and capitalists also belong to this nation, and they hold the right to speak on the criteria for judging what constitutes a "powerful country". Once the national righteousness comes, class interests have to stand aside...

Browsing the May 1st news, in addition to traffic jams, crowds and barbecues in Zibo, I found that Xi Jinping also made a voice: "On the occasion of the "May 1st" International Labor Day... I would like to extend festival congratulations and sincere condolences to the working people across the country. …I hope that the masses of workers will vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsman spirit, work honestly, work diligently, be determined to innovate, dare to be the first, and rely on labor creation to solidly promote Chinese-style modernization, and on the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation Give full play to the role of the main force. Party committees and governments at all levels must fully stimulate the labor enthusiasm and innovation and creativity of the working people, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the working people, help the working people solve their worries and problems, and promote the formation of advocating and respecting labor in the whole society. good vibes.”

There is both "spirit" and "promotion" in it, but it is completely different from what the world's mainstream "May 1st" International Labor Day commemorates.

First of all, the "international" in the name refers to internationalism: workers all over the world, regardless of nationality, race and location, should unite to fight for the rights of this class. There is no such thing as "building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation". This is like when Chicago workers took to the streets to demand an eight-hour working day, but the U.S. government came out and said, "We have to work harder every day to surpass Britain and catch up with Germany, build a strong America, and realize the rise of the American nation." That's it. The workers in Chicago are afraid to reply: "The great teacher said that the working class has no motherland. Your side has risen, but I am exhausted. Whether it is a strong country or a revival, what good is it for me? I don't want anyone. Chao, eight hours a day on both sides of the Atlantic is better than anything else.” So, if we really want to commemorate May Day, we must first get rid of nationalism. The rulers, government, and capitalists also belong to this nation, and they hold the right to speak on the criteria for judging what constitutes a "powerful country." When national righteousness comes, class interests have to step aside.

Secondly, "May Day" promotes the spirit of struggle. In the 19th century, there was no law stipulating the eight-hour working day. Today, these internationally accepted "legitimate rights" were fought for by generations of workers: countless strikes, marches, negotiations, elections, demonstrations, and even factory occupations. Paid leave, trade union rights, high temperature subsidies, social security, dismissal compensation... What Chinese workers lack the most is not the spirit of craftsman or model worker, but the spirit of struggle; this has led to several generations of hard work, European workers have started a four-day working system, and here it is still 996. Therefore, what should be commended on May 1st is not model workers, but Meituan strike riders. Respect cannot be obtained by the government's call. Only by letting the oppressors and other oppressed people in this society see our unyielding and our victory can we win real respect.

Finally, "May Day" also represents continuous progress. Although it was originally to fight for the eight-hour working system, when this demand became popular all over the world, the labor movement did not rest on its laurels. We have seen that, in addition to the above-mentioned labor rights, issues such as women's suffrage, anti-racism, anti-war, anti-dictatorship, and environmental protection have all become the goals of the labor movement in history. Today, "May Day" has been turned into a consumerist holiday, probably because the rulers are worried that when the red flags appear on the streets again, the tide of historical progress will be irresistible.


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