

Illustration|Tonight, I want to have some "soft moments"

Life will not always be full of energy. Come to the "soft and rotten moment" at the right time to feed and indulge your desires. After you are happy and satisfied, you will be full of energy and then set off!
Food to eat while lying down

one morning,

The hand feels smooth, and the inspiration springs to draw this illustration of "soft life". I imagine that I lie down every day, surrounded by my favorite food, and enjoy it immediately with my mouth open. The food is gone? Automatically fill up!

What an awesome life! Ha ha

Although she is a girl, her feet and legs are unexpectedly more hairy than other girls, which is said to be caused by the secretion of male hormones. When I was a child, I had some disgust and a sense of inferiority because of the hair on my feet and legs. When I grew up, I felt that being cool is a kind of self-specific little symbol!

In the application of illustrations, the hairs of the feet and legs are specially drawn to increase the artistic expression of contradictions and conflicts, and the results are unexpectedly interesting.

 Thank you for reading this article! I hope you will clap your hands and turn them into rewards👏, and support me in continuing to write and share.

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