
區塊鏈|個人觀點 — 27歲/ 業餘Blockchain玩家 『踏入Matters,便一腳跌進區塊鏈!』 — 單純寫作紀錄✏️ 任何加密貨幣操作,絕非投資建議❌ 分享賺取『免費』虛擬貨幣 — 如有興趣,記得按下追蹤~❤️ 歡迎追蹤IG:freetoken2022 Since 2022 / 02 / 14

27 Earning Blocks|08.30 Goal Achieved

Got it done a few days ago

10,000 Likecoin goal set in the past

A big milestone for me

also made me think

what to do next


A little bit frowning lately

Decided to try and look at the decentralized exchange Osmosis

because the old me

At most, stake Likecoin in Liker Land to earn interest

Never converted to other currencies, even sold for cash

So I want to try to get out of the existing framework

What's more, Osmosis's liquidity mining interest rate is higher

There is no reason not to operate, and share the experience of exploration with you


Finally, I am still very grateful to everyone who clapped along the way.

Let me continue to grow and learn in the field of blockchain

10,000 Likecoin is a number I never imagined

Will continue to write

Dig into and try out more blockchain applications for yourself

✅If this article is helpful to you, remember to bookmark + press ❗️

🔗 Follow each platform 🔗

Welcome to follow IG freetoken2022
Track Matters: 27 Earn Blocks
Track 27 Earn Blocks
Follow Liker social: 27 Earn Blocks
Follow Odysee: 27 Earn Blocks

🔗Registration link for each platform🔗

Sign up for link
Sign up for Rollercoin link
Sign up for Liker social link
Sign up for Odysee link
Register on Binance Exchange Link


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