
做你喜歡的,愛你所選擇的 停止幫別人完成夢想了!追求自己的吧! 只有你可以決定你的人生要怎麼過! 自我成長|正面語錄|心理諮商|投資理財

How to increase your income?

After most people leave the society, they basically start as small employees. As for small employees, how can you make your supervisors or bosses willing to raise your salary by strengthening their own abilities and other skills?


Financial management ideas we traditionally hear

may be emphasized

I need you to take good care of the source and reduce expenditure

But you go watch

In fact, these people who implement open source and reduce expenditure

their attention will be

In the end, how to save overhead is to save two words

But I forgot that there is actually two words open source in front

Save money, even if you save

A month is at most your salary

So when you want to have more money

Apart from cutting unnecessary expenses

Think about how to increase your income is more important

Next we will talk

What should you do to increase your income?

In addition to saving unnecessary expenses, open source is the focus of your financial management. Image source:

1. Be a valued employee

I think most people

Unlikely to start a business directly as a boss from the start

It is also unlikely that you will have direct funds to start a business right away.

Usually after a few years as an employee

have the opportunity to start a business

usually work in a company

It's not easy to get a raise

So how do you make your boss willing to give you a raise?

Yes, you have to be more unique than the average person

more irreplaceable

even for the company to be able to generate additional income

Don't just be like other employees

Just get the job done and you won't get fired

when you have your value

Of course, your boss can't refuse your request for a raise.

Make your boss feel that your ability is far greater than the value of money. Do you think he will not give you a raise? Image source:

2. Be part of the company's revenue stream

what does this mean

Generally, work can be divided into three categories

1. Professional work

like doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.

They need some professional knowledge to be competent

2. Operational work

Such as general customer service pull, clerk pull and so on

Although these people need some education and training

But basically no professional skills are required

Almost everyone can do it after training

3. Creative work

such as business, copywriting or marketing

These people can directly generate revenue for the company

if their work is done well

Company revenue will increase

So if you want to challenge your high salary even more

You must make yourself this third type of employee

That is, people who can directly generate income for the company

In fact, we also have a 10x rule

The so-called 10x rule is

When you want to earn a monthly salary of 100,000

You have to earn 10 times the extra 100,000 for the company

1 million

When you additionally help the company generate these incomes

Do you think your 1/10 requirement

If a normal boss

Will he not allow you?

3. Become an Intrapreneur

Been in a company for a long time

Maybe you will target this industry

sudden thoughts

But going out to start a business requires taking too much risk

If you can talk to your boss about such a plan

You use the company's resources, the company's customers

Then it's up to you to take full responsibility for the project

If you make a profit, of course you need to give the profit to the company

After all, the company provides the resources you need

Of course you have any problems

You can also ask the boss for advice and ask him to help you

If successful, not only will the company increase revenue

You've also allowed yourself to successfully turn an idea into a business

It's far more than you have a plan

Then he suddenly quit his job to start a business

The chances of success are much higher

Make good use of your experience and ideas to create a source of income for you Image source:


as an employee of a company

Maybe most people think that their life may be like this

Why don't you switch to a better company

Or change the runway

In fact, you can also be in the industry

through your own efforts

Use strength to make your boss willing to help you raise your salary


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