
Hi!我是Erica 🐾我喜歡旅行、喜歡貓、喜歡拍照。這就是我 ,我是Erica,在這裡,我畫貓咪,寫貓咪與旅行、食記、心得分享.....🐾 🐾🐾(我有另外一個帳號:Erica,主要發貓特務報報、教學及驗證人相關文章 ...)🐾🐾

Writing NFT Search Widget... Waiting for the notification of whitelist activation, I really want to send Writing NFT...

I have made a Writing NFT search gadget in the past two days, and the functions will gradually increase. Speaking of which, I should have filled out the whitelist application form very early. When will it be available to me! woohoo....

Made a simple Writing NFT web interface... Welcome to try.. Link first...

writing-nft-list : https://www.ericaworld.tw/writing-nft-list/

It is an interface developed with VUE3. I have been using VUE2 before, not to say how difficult it is to change the new one, but it is easy to use, and I directly use the old code to change it to save a lot of time, but because I have been It is tied to the Laravel framework, although the front and back ends are still separated in essence, both get and post are there! ? In short, it was a whim to update the skills, so I used it to practice my hands.

Originally, I wanted to say that if I can send NFT, I will get the NFT information I sent and list it together on theshopping website I originally made for integration, but I have never received a notification of activation! Crying... Looks like I'm borderline! ?

The web page is running relatively slowly at present, because every time it is executed, it has to retrieve several api data back, and then it should be sent to the backend for processing (change it to regular update data), so that it can not be searched every time. api grabs data, it should be faster...

By the way, at the bottom of the page, I also added the clap key XD Welcome to clap support [the key point of this article! ! error! ! ! ]

Anyway... The current features are...

Search function:

You can enter the wallet location, select an existing author (the list is not updated immediately, and the list is automatically updated twice a day), the collector's wallet and the starting time to search.

If the wallet is linked, you can click the button to bring the address directly.

Sort function:

If no search criteria are entered, the NFTs released in the past 7 days will be listed by default. The list is as long as this...

You can sort by title, author, and creation time, just click the little blue icon on the title bar...


Next should do:

  • A page of favorites list, if there is a linked wallet, click on that page to see the wallet's favorites...
  • Combined with the daily function... I'll think about how to do it...
  • Re-build a front-end interface to integrate these functions with my shopping cart
  • I should open source this part of Writing NFT after the function is complete.

Special thanks to

Oh! By the way, finally, I would like to give a special thanks to Catding God @catding, the part of the link package was stolen from him... lol!

**** Be sure to mark the reference now! ? ****

API usage

LikeNFT : https://docs.like.co/developer/likenft/api-reference

ISCN API: https://docs.like.co/developer/likecoin-chain-api/rpc-api/useful-iscn-api

LikeCoin API : https://api.docs.like.co/#intro

Peace on Earth

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Validator Node: Coding Everyday|Coding League
My NFT works: OpenSeaakaSwap
My NFT Collection: OpenSea
Two of my travel e-books: Croatian Bus Travel Diary , Go and Jump Okinawa. Traffic Raiders for Attractions
My personal blog: . Just go. Erica's. travel. experience. Living in the moment
Fan Page: Let's Go x Cat Traveling
You can also find me on other platforms: square grid | I have another Matters | Potato MediaNoise.cash


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