
Hi!我是Erica 🐾我喜歡旅行、喜歡貓、喜歡拍照。這就是我 ,我是Erica,在這裡,我畫貓咪,寫貓咪與旅行、食記、心得分享.....🐾 🐾🐾(我有另外一個帳號:Erica,主要發貓特務報報、教學及驗證人相關文章 ...)🐾🐾

Eat fat fun! ? Master Egg Tower Workshop

Bread... The Taiwanese pronunciation of bread is fat! Really... you get fat eating these things!

In fact, I love egg tarts. I often pass by this shop every time I go for food nearby, but often the row of egg tarts is empty! One day, after buying lo mei, I saw that there was still an egg tart, so I bought one as a snack! ! !

So the original plan to have a starch-free dinner for the next day failed! However, the egg tarts are really delicious. The outer skin has the texture of shortbread, not the thousand-layer pie crust of KFC chicken, but I like it very much. It is crispy and the filling is very fragrant... Then... Curious My heart exploded, and I wanted to eat and see different products from other countries. . . Or don't force it... It's just that a few are really not very interested...

Lightning Puff

I couldn't help but buy an extra flash puff that day, and use it as breakfast the next day!

The lightning puffs are also delicious, the outer skin is still crispy overnight, and the custard sauce inside is not too sweet! So later I repurchased it a few times! But.... woo woo so fat!

Puff pastry hibiscus tower

But the first time I went to buy egg tarts to eat, I didn't take a good photo, and the protagonist was the lo-mei of dinner! ! All right! Decided to buy and eat again... By the way, I'll be ashamed, and I even took out my camera to take a picture of the egg tarts! Um? This egg tower should be beautiful! ?

Is there anything wrong with this XD shot with a camera?

I also cut a special section.

Because I read other people's introductions on the Internet, they said that the iced ones are delicious, so I bought three this time to try the iced ones, and they are really good [eat one a day is good! Otherwise it's too fat! ].

Ice Fire Pineapple

Because I went to buy egg tarts that morning, I also bought an ice fire pineapple for breakfast...

On the spot, you can tell the clerk to heat it up, take it back and eat it, and it has 6 or 7 points like what you have eaten in Hong Kong before, but after a while, the outer skin is not crispy enough [I can’t forget the ice fire pineapple in Hong Kong, but it should be super fat, right? ! I heard that the crispy skin is the result of heat XD], the creamy skin is very fragrant, and the milky fragrance will stay in the mouth.

Milk Polo

Basically, the difference between the ice-fired pineapple and the milk pineapple is the slice of cream in the middle. I think basically the pineapple bread is delicious, but it is a bit dry after eating about half of it. It needs to be served with tea or milk, and ice-fired pineapple with cream. Basically, I don’t have this problem, but if I don’t eat it soon enough, the skin will not be crispy enough. Because I don’t have an oven at home, I can’t buy it home and bake it for processing, so I may not have the will to buy these two often!

But milk Polo is indeed better than the one bought in the average bakery! XD

Taro Crisp

In addition, there is also a very evil taro cake... When it is a snack, it is probably full of heat [will be fat to death]!

In addition to the taro paste and salted egg yolk, the filling of the taro crisp has the taste of QQ [it's mochi! ], the taste is quite layered! .

Polo Q Heart Egg Yolk Crisp

Maybe it's because it looks a little like Polo that it got the name? In fact, I don't think the taste is like Polo, but it is bigger than the average egg yolk crisp, and the outer skin should be a little thicker, but it still feels like the crisp skin...

I took a bite and didn't bite the egg yolk filling...

Take another bite and it will be... broken, the egg yolk is not a whole, it may be one-third of the egg, and then it is also covered with a layer of mochi, the advantage is that the filling is not too sweet... But... listen Saying it won't be too sweet doesn't mean adding too much sugar, eh! Anyway, I've eaten it all, let's talk about losing weight tomorrow... ! ! !

Chocolate Puffs

I really think the chocolate puffs are super delicious, but the outer skin is actually inferior. Only the outermost layer has a slightly crispy taste. The point is that the filling is really super full, which is very good, and the puffs are relatively puffy because of the outer skin. 〔 Airy! ? ] So it's not easy to get tired like other dim sum, you have to restrain yourself, don't eat the second one... But the photo I took for the first time was not saved because the phone suddenly hung up, so I had to buy it again.. .I wonder if the taro puffs are just as good! ?

Then, the filling of the puff is squeezed in when you buy it [the lightning puff is also]. Since it is specially bought to take pictures... Then... let's take a cross section too! [Ah, I haven't eaten it yet XD], probably because the filling is full, so the seasoning of the filling is not very sweet. I think the sweetness comes from the chocolate on the outer layer. I think this combination is very good!

After eating so much "fat" [Taiwanese], I should go on a diet next! XD... Actually, I thought this was a chain store... Later, I didn't seem to see any branches! ? To summarize, my favorite order is...

NO1 Chocolate Puff: Just... The filling is really healing, and the puff itself has a refreshing taste, not greasy, and it is also a chocolate lover 🤤.
NO2 Puff pastry tart: I think the puff pastry egg tart is really fragrant and the filling is super full, but I think this egg tart can really only be one at a time, and I feel tired of eating it again.
NO3 Lightning Puff: It may be because of the shape, which makes the outer skin more crispy, and the fragments are easier to catch XD when biting, but the filling is full of refreshment without taking a bite... Hey! ? Just thinking about it makes me fat...

The above is purely personal taste! 🤤

Master Egg Tower Workshop
No. 90, Tonghua Street, Daan District, Taipei City

Peace on Earth

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My personal blog: . Just go. Erica's. travel. experience. Living in the moment
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