
Hi!我是Erica 🐾我喜歡旅行、喜歡貓、喜歡拍照。這就是我 ,我是Erica,在這裡,我畫貓咪,寫貓咪與旅行、食記、心得分享.....🐾 🐾🐾(我有另外一個帳號:Erica,主要發貓特務報報、教學及驗證人相關文章 ...)🐾🐾

My bad habits︱This cat is extremely impatient

Impatience is definitely a bad habit, and it is a bad habit that has a great impact, often giving people a feeling of being difficult to get along with. . .

Speaking of impatience, I was probably more serious when I was younger than I am now, that is, if someone asked the second article the same question, I would probably start to feel annoyed, and when I felt annoyed, I often wrote it directly on my face , I think in the past, I probably often made people think that you were squatting, and then for things that need to be repeated all the time, I am very easy to lose focus. If someone asks me why I learned to program, I think I will Answer: "Because I can let the computer do all the repetitive things!", yes! That's right, at that time I chose to major in information related subjects, and I didn't want to make a lot of money at all, I just thought I would. . . Had to get the computer to do the repetitive work for me.

But the reality is that you will encounter what you are afraid of. Later, for some reason, you find a job as a lecturer in the company. You often need to teach the same course several times. Fortunately, you have to develop courses for multiple jobs. There have been changes, but probably because of this job, my patience seems to have improved a little, and now I can probably allow the same question to be asked a third time.

The performance of impatience also affects the choice of sports and leisure activities. I have absolutely no way to take a yoga class that takes a long time to stop one movement. I still remember that I just let go in the class, otherwise I just feel that an hour passes so slowly. , In the end, I had to find a class that requires a lot of busyness, that is, dance class, just keep memorizing the movements so that I will not be bored. In the end, I have to keep myself busy, although it is not long after I finish a song. Forget the light. . .

In addition, for things that need to be persisted, it is often easy to give up without seeing results. The most common thing is probably losing weight, eh! ? Diet control often doesn’t take long. As long as the weight doesn’t drop, I will give up. In the end, I can only continue to exercise, but I have to choose a very busy exercise. At first, I wanted to say that running is the most economical, but running is boring enough. You probably can’t run at all without listening to music. I remember one time my friend asked me, isn’t that the same thing as diving? I said, "No, diving is actually very busy, you have to swim at a certain depth, you have to be busy taking pictures, you have to keep up with the instructor, and most importantly, you have to stop work before you run out of gas in the tank, or you will die. ",Eh?

The impatience is also reflected in investment. When I first came into contact with funds and stocks, the most unbearable thing for me was the kind of death that I couldn’t bear, whether it fell or fell, or rose or rose, can you give me a treat! ! ? So I often buy and sell at a very stupid point and pay a lot of tuition fees. It seems that training patience is the most effective way to pay tuition fees. . .

In a word, people always have to learn to make progress. Although they are still impatient, they gradually learn to respect each other. Everyone has a different pace. When you are in a hurry, remind yourself to take a deep breath. Seek to be a perfect person, just want to live comfortably and happily!

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My NFT works: OpenSeaakaSwap
My NFT Collection: OpenSea
Two of my travel e-books: Croatian Bus Travel Diary , Go and Jump Okinawa. Traffic Raiders for Attractions
My personal blog: . Just go. Erica's. travel. experience. Living in the moment
Fan Page: Let's Go x Cat Traveling
You can also find me on other platforms: square grid | I have another Matters | Potato Media


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