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When you say "objective", you just use the veneer of rational analysis to cover up the inner self that is absolutely correct.

your world is not mine

Today, I chatted with a friend I like very much, and I chatted about the "objective" and "subjective" views.

We often hear people in discussions on certain topics expressing that they are very "objective", only "rational analysis" of objective facts. Especially in terms of personal attacks, such as evaluating your family, feelings, money, or talking about religion, politics, gay issues, etc., it is even more outstanding and used to the fullest.

But have you ever felt paradoxical: The more you emphasize that you are objective, the more subjective you are.

Because they are afraid of being known by others that they are "criticistic" people, they keep vaccinating themselves first, as long as they keep emphasizing their objectivity, it will become a fact.

In fact, my common feelings with my friends are: "Subjective" is not scary at all. In this world, who does not have an opinion of his own?

I have always analyzed objectively. Unless my career requires it, chatting with each other is not like listening to news broadcasts?

According to the Mandarin Dictionary, the definition of subjective is: " To make judgments about things based on one's own cognition and emotion, without seeking to conform to the actual situation."

It doesn't sound like it's very positive.

I agree with the first half, but I am more curious about the second half, does any event have an absolute fact?

The blue and green of politics are all for the purpose of maintaining the original position of the founding of the party and making various political operations and decisions; who is right for love and marriage to break up or be broken up? Who is to blame? Everyone's definition of life is different. Some people have to be famous to make a lot of money, and some people just want to live life at their own pace...

Everyone has their own preferred position, and which position is not a judgment made "based on one's own cognition and emotion"? Which side should you choose to stand on, is it in line with the actual situation?

In postmodern psychology, there is a kind of "narrative"ism. The spirit is that everyone's life and views are their own interpretations. There is no right or wrong, and there is no need to impose a rigid framework. Although, I think being unframed may be a risk for some people, but that's off topic.

Subjectivity is not scary (of course, thinking that is too biased or obviously illegal is not within the scope of today’s discussion), what is scary is that “what you think and do is the only correct solution, and you can’t listen to other people’s views and opinions” .

That's what we should avoid.

One person's vision is not equal to the whole person's world. If you don't even have this kind of cognition, then your life is really not ordinary narrow-mindedness.

Once, in the journey of life, I met very close people, just like this, I completely insisted on living in my own world, causing a lot of harm to others, but I didn't realize it.

For them, emphasizing their own objective means is expressing in disguise:

"Because I said objective facts, I was right."

It is a good thing to have your own ideas and opinions, but it is more important not to be a superstitious person who has absolute facts.

If you can't do it, you will undoubtedly use the appearance of rationality to kidnap the freedom of others to express their opinions. This is not called subjective, this is called overbearing .


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