
🌷「艾莎」為您「解」開心「結」🌷 想要解開職場千千結,你需要深諳各種江湖套路,又受過專業心理諮商訓練的艾莎解結。 ~願人人都有選擇人生的自由~ To be free group-TBFG 我的個人網站:elsajj.com 粉專:艾莎解結-跨界生涯顧問

Finding a job and finding a partner have something in common.

Looking for a job is actually the same as looking for a partner. It is a process full of searching, testing, weighing, running in and adjusting.

In the process of career counseling, I often hear a client say, "Although my current job is not annoying, I get along well with my colleagues, and the boss is also a good person, but I don't think this is what I want", or "Teacher, I think The job I want is the kind of job that makes me so enthusiastic that I want to go to work every day when I open my eyes”.

Let's compare:

"Although the other half is not bad, everyone gets along well, and they are familiar with each other's life circles, but is he/she really the person I want to spend my life with?"

"The kind of love I want is the kind of love that I see each other every day, I'm passionate about her/him, and I feel like ' you're my only one '". (Oh, No! Don't play this song now!!!)

The only is not the only

I remember hearing a sentence when I was a child: "Everyone is a semi-circle, and love is looking for another person (semi-circle), and if you find it, your life will be complete."

I thought it was so poetic at the time, and I believed it to be true.

(And then found a bunch of inexplicable triangles, trapezoids, etc., disguised as semi-circles, forming a crooked shape, making you doubt your own shape?)

When I look at it again when I grow up, I feel that this statement is full of loopholes. It is a metaphor that if a person does not get love, or if there is no other half, the whole person is incomplete? Does this sound like a word?

Whether a person is complete or not depends on the integrity of his personality, that is, whether he is one person, two people, or a group of people, he can live a satisfactory life. This is completeness.

Not to mention that if you are "lucky" to find the right person, you can live happily ever after without any effort.

To be full of passion for work is indeed the ideal state of work. Is it impossible to say that it is true that someone has done it. However, we usually only see the results, ignoring that we want to achieve that state. What did the achievers do right in the process?

Now there is a small group of people who are working hard to join the ranks of career consulting, not because they believe that everyone has a relatively suitable stage in life. As long as you stand in the right position and strive to grow and thrive, your efforts will be well rewarded (or in failures). Constantly adjust), repeatedly strengthen your self-confidence and identity, and then generate greater motivation and enthusiasm to achieve a virtuous circle?

Therefore, some people, because they know that they are in the right position at the beginning, and then through continuous targeted efforts, persistence and adjustment, can gradually accumulate their professionalism, workplace weight, and the fame and money that comes with it.

At work, you can find a professional to assist you in the matter of "standing in the right position" at the beginning, but then you have to rely on yourself to adjust, work hard, and persevere at work.

Love is also true. In fairy tales, the princess slept idle for hundreds of years, and once the prince came to kiss him, she could live happily ever after.

You say, I met the right man! And what about happiness?

Which country's princess are you?
Which country's prince is he?


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