
🌷「艾莎」為您「解」開心「結」🌷 想要解開職場千千結,你需要深諳各種江湖套路,又受過專業心理諮商訓練的艾莎解結。 ~願人人都有選擇人生的自由~ To be free group-TBFG 我的個人網站:elsajj.com 粉專:艾莎解結-跨界生涯顧問

Why is workplace communication so difficult? Is it because they don't understand human speech, or...

Or are you actually not talking about people?
Communication in the workplace is difficult

I really admire a mainland singer - Zhou Shen.

One day I saw an interview about his debut album. It was the first time that a young newcomer entered the studio to record a song, and in front of his teacher Gao Xiaosong, he sang "Blue Parachute" tremblingly:

My blue parachute, so lonely in the sky,
Floating to the surging sea of people, watching me buried...

The teacher frowned as he listened, and the air immediately wafted a smell that the case was not simple. Sure enough, the next second, Boss Gao said:

"You can't sing like this. Your parachute is too pale, and the sky is full of dark clouds."

"??????" "Teacher, how can I improve?"

"Sing a little more blue."

Zhou Shen's expression. (Picture taken from the Internet)

Boss, what is your blue? (Even Xiao Huangqi can't listen anymore)

"My blue parachute..." The little newcomer makes persistent efforts...

When it was too late, Boss Gao suddenly put his hands on the table, stood up sassily, and then,

Turn around and stride out of the recording studio, without looking back, without taking a cloud with you...

Only the helpless, weak and pitiful newcomer Zhou Shen is left, standing in the recording studio desolately and doubting that he can't actually sing...

This kind of other party thinks that he speaks very clearly, but you hear enough painful feelings, is it deja vu?

If Gao Xiaosong's dialogue is adjusted to be like this:

"The first sentence of your lyrics is too flat, you can try to put a little emotion, increase the volume of the second sentence, and put a little more emphasis on the ending..."

Would it be better to describe it in specific words?

In the workplace, the communication between people is often like this: the business and the engineer have a meeting, and they are almost not full of jargon, and the computer-like precise but inhuman language logic; when the graphic design composition is proposed, the customer Say something like this: "I hope your team is full of innovative ideas that have never been seen before, and must comply with our rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..."

In addition to turning into a quarrel at a meeting, or acting like a drama in the last class; or forbearance for group harmony and business interests, and suffocating a bunch of chronic diseases or mental illnesses, do we have any more effective methods? ?

(Of course there is a way, but 1. You can't do it if you talk about it 2. It doesn't work if you do it...because you don't have acting skills)

1. Use vernacular instead of professional terminology:

Especially professionals with professional skills, it is very easy to make such mistakes; or as a boss, you want to simplify your words because your time is precious, but don’t forget that the people you are talking to have different backgrounds and thinking, please use elementary school students to be able to. The clarity of understanding is expressed.

2. Avoid using too many adjectives Examples:

When asked about the strengths and weaknesses of the interview, I always like to reply "I am highly resistant to pressure", "I am serious and responsible"... (HR rolls his eyes os: Everyone says this, who would admit that they don't really want to work hard?)

You can say: I often hear from my old club that I have high resistance to pressure. For example, I was in charge of a XXXX project before, and I did XXXXXXX, and my performance improved by xx% . The perfect 3-part series not only reflects the characteristics you show when encountering problems, but also successfully informs your ability values.

3. Bosses and customers like to listen to numbers:

This point should be familiar to everyone. It is said that I have strong business ability. This is an adjective that is not said. It is better to say: The team I lead has exceeded the standard within XX time, and its performance exceeded the standard by $XXXX .

4. The other party does not want to choose all, you can ask him to sort:

Just like the above example of the design draft, there are always people who want to take all of them, but don’t want to take one step. At this time, you can skillfully ask the other party to rank the factors that they attach importance to. What you can do is to list the timetable. You can do all of them but complete them in sections. A twist like this.

Sometimes, at the moment when everyone wants to get things done quickly, it is inevitable to be impatient, as long as you have a little patience and switch your mind to the crew mode, anyway, your purpose is to let the other party hear what you want to express, so you might as well be a competent person the actor!

Just a moment. You'll find that the old adage, "haste is not enough", still makes sense.

It is true that before you can get things done, you have to get people done first.


Although "Blue Parachute" is not a song I particularly like, but since I take it as an example, let's enjoy it. Zhou Shen , a crosstalk actor who is known as a bel canto singer and was delayed by singing (Oh my God, why is my speech so greasy) In the youthful period, the voice of the heart before it became popular.

Zhou Shen_Blue Parachute


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