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【Career Consultation】Is it suitable to be a "business" if you like to be in contact with people and know how to compete?

In fact, outgoing and lively, like to chat with people, the more suitable job is called "customer service", not business.

Business and customer service are not the same job

I found that many people seem to have a lot of misunderstandings about the role of "business" .

Recently, I came across some cases with a more lively and outgoing personality, who did not want to work in their original fields, and they all asked me about the work content of the business.

I asked him:

"Why do you think you're suitable for business?"

The other party: "Because I like interacting with customers, chatting and spanking."

Me: "So, what do you think makes a good business?"

The other party: "extroverted", "good at chatting", "like to meet people", "will persuade people", "profiteers".

Dear, outgoing and lively, like to chat with people, a more suitable job is called "customer service", not business.

Although there are hundreds of job titles in the market, if we refer to the KSAO model mentioned earlier, I think there are roughly two types: those who emphasize the threshold of skills - engineers, accountants, medical and nursing, etc.; and those that emphasize characteristics Threshold - business, customer service, public relations, retail stores...etc. The biggest difference between the two is that in the former, if you are not an undergraduate department or have no relevant certificates, you basically cannot enter the field; in the latter, it is not that skills are not required, but personality traits are the key to success, and non-undergraduate departments still have opportunities.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to work in your original department. If you want to work in a job that focuses on traits, you have to examine whether you have relevant traits:


According to my many years of experience in the wild jungle field of domestic and foreign business, my experience is that this is an industry with a low entry threshold, but a very high entry threshold. In terms of how to become a business that can make a lot of money, I personally think that the most critical characteristics are as follows:

1. Goal-oriented, never give up until the goal is achieved

2. Competitive

3. Perseverance, not afraid of failure

4. Love change and challenge

The goal of the business is to successfully trade, to meet or exceed the KPIs your boss gives you, and to be friends with customers is just your means, not the goal.

Many people think that in business, you must be outgoing and talkative. Originally, I thought so, but since I saw some people with introverted personalities and a little stuttering in speech, I can't even hold a strange development for 60 seconds without being hung up by customers. The new employee became the top sales performer in the district after half a year, which refreshed my three views from then on. You ask me how he did it, and I'll say that in addition to the refinement of business skills and educational training, I have observed the above personality traits in him.

【customer service】

What about customer service? In fact, customer service has a wide range. In addition to what we generally think of as service personnel and stores, in fact, public relations and sales also include customer service. A good customer service person, I think the key characteristics are the following:

1. Have obvious affinity and easy to get along with

2. Like to meet people and get along with people

3. Strong observation and careful

4. Resilience, problem solving skills

These two, although the job title may be related, are the connotations very different? !

Finding the right job is not easy, otherwise why would there be a professional consultant. Generally, corporate interviews will be seen, and most of them are based on your academic experience, licenses and other skills. Companies that pay more attention will have a psychological assessment link, that is, to understand the personality traits of the interviewer. But first, the interviewer will not know the test results, so it is not helpful to you; second, if the company does not properly interpret or pay attention to the psychological evaluation results, it will only be reduced to a formality. , and then conduct a seemingly professional blind selection.

So, when you ask me how to write my resume and interview skills, I still have to say that knowing yourself and taking the time to understand what the job title requires will always be prioritized before skills. To play a competent role for the interview, after you successfully enter, if that is not the real you, can you play for the rest of your life?

KSAO model reference articles:
Is work experience really a plus? What experience are you talking about? !

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