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Is work experience really a plus? What experience are you talking about? !

Whether experience can add points or not, the point is not how many years you have accumulated, but what kind of experience you have been to, what kind of scenery you have seen, and what kind of achievements you can talk about, that’s all. .

That day, there was a young freshman in the workplace who just graduated this year... No, it was a freshman in the workplace who was worried about his career, and asked me in a very unconfident manner: "In the interview, HR all like experienced people, and I am not as professional as I have already entered the society. My senior sister, and I have no experience, what should I do?”

I found that most of the new generation Z newcomers entering the workplace have low self-confidence and worry about their lack of professional ability. I always comfort them: "The company will ask you for an interview. You must have read your resume and know that you are a newcomer in the society! Let me tell you a secret. Professional requirements (because I know you don’t have them), but attitudes, traits, and plasticity.” Of course, I don’t rule out that some more special companies want appearance, likability, and cooperation.

I still remember one time when I went to a major construction company to do education and training for the supervisor, I asked the middle and senior executives in the audience: "If there are two kinds of people: A with good ability but a little bit poor attitude; B with a good attitude but a little bit poor ability, Who would you rather choose?" The majority chose B.

It can be seen that in the eyes of senior workplace workers, you are very experienced and capable, but "not easy to lead", many people still prefer to find employees who are better in pottery and plastic, but not too stupid.

How is experience defined?

Looking for a job, is "experience" important? What does it mean to have "experience"? As far as I understand it, work experience means that a person in the workplace, due to the accumulation of years, sharpens his relevant knowledge and skills, and can immediately reflect it in daily work tasks. Among them, the ability to make it better and smoother.

The "KSAO" function model that you must know

When looking for suitable talents, one of the most frequently used functional skills is the well-known "KSAO principle" in the industry: K (knowledge) - professional knowledge; S (skill) - executive skills; A (ability) - ability, usually refers to. Soft skills such as learning ability, logic, communication and coordination; O (others) - other traits, usually referring to the personality traits, values, attitudes, etc. that are the most difficult to detect and the most difficult to change during interviews. Psychological evaluation is often used in larger enterprises criteria for judging.

KSAO Model_Adapted from the Internet

"Experience", in my opinion, is more like the comprehensive ability of K, S, and A, especially S+A. In theory, under the day-to-day business execution and the coping of people and things, the professional knowledge of K should also be Growing day by day, forming a valuable and passable experience. But if you want to be in love with the company forever, O is definitely the most important part. However, this item is often used as a tool for judgment. It is difficult to find, and it is not easy to interpret it. More importantly, some companies actually do not know what kind of people they are looking for.

Therefore, in the workplace, people do not know what kind of company they are suitable for, and companies do not know what kind of person they are looking for, or they often find the wrong person. The two parties searched for each other, but often ended in trial and error, like love.

Freshman vs. Senior Worker

For fresh people, although they lack the accumulation of years in the workplace, they have creativity and plasticity, and their majors are not unimportant. For some job fields with relatively high professional thresholds, such as engineers, medical care, law, etc., departments and schools must It needs to be considered, and there are so many graduates with similar conditions every year, who can win? It's time to look at O(others) - other traits. Whether you are the talent that the company wants, you must have the characteristics you have and whether it is in line with the corporate culture.

For those who have experience in the workplace, especially when companies want to find competent talents, your relevant experience must be one of the criteria for consideration.

However, experience is not always a plus. Some employees are very young and have only two or three years of work experience, but they can already be on their own and become supervisors who can lead people; while some people have stayed in a company for 10 years, their job salaries have not changed, and their work content is similar. In this case, experience for the person may just be proof of the increased numbers on the ID card.

Having experience, if it doesn't make you better and better today than yesterday, is just repeating the same yesterday.

I think whether experience can add points or not, the point is not how many years you have accumulated, but the experience, what kind of places have you been to, what kind of scenery have you seen, what kind of scenery you have completed, and you can talk about it results, that's all.


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