
我是米高,我與太太有一個很懂事的小朋友 - 小狗ThankYou。 曾經放下畫筆30年,疫情下重新開始繪畫,運用原子筆描繪及追憶逝去的孩子,願他繼續帶歡笑給我們。這個帳號是為小狗而開,In memory of our beloved son

How to check your LikeCoin wallet and check the fund allocation of all LikeCoins on that day?

If you have never been exposed to blockchain, LikeCoin is definitely the easiest introduction to blockchain. The LikeCoin team has spent a lot of time showing many profound blockchain operation modes in a simple way. Although, I have known the main members of the team for more than ten years, in fact, it is inconvenient and should not be supported by their thighs. However, I really admire this team, at least let everyone slowly understand the scene mode of blockchain civilian use, and know the future trend.

Your creations will become valuable and even have a permanent blockchain record to prove that the creation belongs to you. And let more people pay attention to "copyright awareness", and use a very simple method to combine "Like + reward". Among them, I think the most powerful part is the creation of a community of "appreciating citizens".

I believe that there has never been a blockchain project or a blockchain investment project that was created to "send blockchain currency"?!
It is 100% sending blockchain currency!!!
And it's "quite happy to send blockchain currency"!
He even became an "appreciative citizen" and proudly posted an announcement "I want to send blockchain currency"!
(Important speech, not only three times, but four times @_@)

It was a rather strange plan, but it was quite successful. Perhaps the current number is not large (1000-2000), perhaps this is just the reason for the overall promotion, not the "Citizen Appreciation" program itself.

Have you noticed that when you receive a tip from someone, you will receive an email like this with a link that you don’t quite understand. I wonder if you will think “what is this?”

Click the link and you will be taken to a website. Here, it is actually the blockchain record of the transfer of this "supporting author".

Among them, there are two sets of symbols, starting with cosmos, which are the "real addresses" of your blockchain wallet. At present, LikeCoin is based on the Cosmos blockchain. Perhaps the most familiar is ETH's Erc20, and Cosmos is also one of the blockchain projects. And the most important one is the "Fee : No fee" shown in the picture above. In ERC20 transfer behavior, you have to pay gas (in short, the fee, which is getting more and more expensive). In the days of LikeCoin in the Erc 20, I knew that these fees were paid for by the LikeCoin Foundation. Switching to the Cosmos blockchain now is pretty good..."Free"!

Let’s talk about the above two sets of addresses again:

Because I am the payee, the literal explanation is "transferred 300 LikeCoins from the account on the left to the account on the right", so the one on the left is the payer, and the one on the right is of course me.

Under the blockchain project, everything you have is actually recorded clearly. For example, if you click on the account on the right, that is, my wallet, you will see how much money there is in it, who the agent is entrusted to, who (account) has been supported recently through clapping or transfer, or who has supported me .

If you scroll down further, you will see records about your own LikeCoin account:

I don't remember such a large string of "symbols" of Cosmos. Generally, I only remember the first few letters after Cosmos, 1kfx. When I see these words, I have a good chance of representing myself. For example, I just used 50 LikeCoin to support a friend who is new to Matters.

Most of the above transfers are like Coins directly from the account of the "citizen who should be appreciated" when the "citizen who appreciates" applauds. The amount fluctuates quite a bit, mainly depending on the situation of the person who appreciates the citizen's usual clapping to support others. Because the monthly fee for the appreciated citizen is fixed ($5), and this fee will become a hidden LikeCoin account in the personal account of the appreciated citizen. Because the number of LikeCoins converted into USD 5 is limited (about 500-1000 LikeCoins), when there are "appreciative citizens" who clap frequently for others, the amount of each clap will be less. On the other hand, if an "appreciating citizen" is a "reader" who carefully selects and reads the content and never claps his hands indiscriminately in daily life, then every time this "appreciating citizen" claps his hands, the amount will be particularly high.

For example: When you see the picture above, you are also appreciating citizens. Some transfer 30.335 LikeCoin, and some transfer 0.175 LikeCoin. The difference is 173 times.

Earlier, on the Matters platform, it was often discussed "social first or content first", and some even thought that "social first affects the quality of the platform" . Personally, it depends on the attitude of balance. I may see social-first users on the "superficial", clapping their hands a lot, and some people even think that they have "clapped their hands without reading the text", which is purely for support and does not consider the quality of the text. . People who don’t focus on content should receive more applause. However, under the distribution of appreciative citizens, the amount received is actually very small.
In addition, for the same reason, "Appreciate Citizen" is a project that "buy blockchain currency" to "pay blockchain" currency by clapping hands. I believe that people who become "appreciative citizens" are readers who want to be "supporting creators" . They will cherish every clapping. When they see good content, the power of clapping will be quite amazing.

For example: I received a record on September 4th. The "Citizen Civic Liker" I usually have is about 50-150 LikeCoin, but that day actually got 1151.8152 LikeCoin. The applauding citizen who clapped his hands" was caused by clapping five hands. And this amount of LikeCoin was directly transferred to me from his "appreciated citizen" account.

Having said that, let's look at another Liker Land figure.

In Liker Land, on the left is "Praise Citizen", what is on the right?

On the right is the matching fund of the LikeCoin Foundation, which is the currency generated from the LikeCoin blockchain every day, and then divides it by the entire LikeCoin ecosystem (i.e. Matters, Grid, 1000) according to the "number of clapping hands" obtained by the creator on that day. + Wordpress sites) add up.

For example: I get 100 claps on that day, and the entire LikeCoin ecosystem is 10,000 claps, so I will get 1% of the blockchain currency produced on that day. At present, about 53,900 LikeCoins will be allocated a day, and then increase at an annual inflation rate of 1% (there will be a proposal in the short term to increase to 2%)

When you check in your wallet, you will see that there is an account that has transferred more than 50,000 LikeCoins to a large number of accounts at one time (of course, when you see this record, it means that you are also one of them), this account will be Is the Creator Fund account of the LikeCoin blockchain. The collection account below is the income from the entire LikeCoin blockchain, ranked from high to low.

Yesterday, my 1371.45 LikeCoin was in second place.

In fact, it has always been extremely difficult to surpass the number one ranking, because the number one account is the account of a media "stand news". However, as you can see, it is actually not too far from the "position news". If you look at it this way, maybe everyone will understand the "worrying feeling in the first place" that I shared yesterday. Because, as a small blog, it can surpass the LikeCoin income earned by a platform on that day. Long-term transcendence, of course, is impossible, but “transcending one day, just surpassing one day” is also enough to “blow the bull of the world” .

Alright. Finally, in addition to seeing this Cosmos account in the email, is there any other place to see this Cosmos account?

The easiest way is to enter the wallet page in your Liker Land , enter the "Delegated Validator page", pull to the lowest position and click on the Big Dipper section, you can also directly enter your Cosmos area Blockchain wallet.

Your Liker ID is also your blockchain account, but only in the LikeCoin ecosystem, because LikeCoin is based on the Cosmos blockchain, that is, each Liker ID will also correspond to a group of Cosmos accounts. However, when you want to transfer LikeCoin from an exchange, you need to know your Cosmos account number, or the exchange's Cosmos account number.

So, from the above description alone, can you see how much the LikeCoin and Matters team have simplified for everyone to use?
So that elementary school students on the current platform can easily access blockchain projects.


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