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How will Ghost Moon deal with it?

I think many friends are troubled by this this month! I will share some tips for your reference based on the events and experiences I have known for decades! In fact, they have always been there!

I think many friends are troubled by this this month! I will share some tips for your reference based on the events and experiences I have known for decades! In fact, they have always been there!

I have known the existence of Ah Piao since I was a child. They are just us without the physical body. Sometimes they encounter human spirit bodies, and sometimes they encounter animal spirit bodies. In fact, they have always been in my life, and they are very common. But to those who cannot see them, the fear of the unknown seems to outweigh the understanding of their existence.

I often say that when our physical body perishes, we will also return to the existence of the spirit body, the source of the stream of consciousness, and may also become a piao that people cannot easily see, but we will not hurt others like the plot of a ghost movie. , Because of the plot requirements of ghost films, it needs to be extravagant, exaggerated, and needs ratings, so I have to save some truth and mix and match a lot of fiction.

So when the ghost month comes, there are a lot of ghost movies that can be released to scare people with the unknown. I am also a person who loves to watch ghost movies and horror movies. I enjoy the thrill of adrenaline being aroused by sound effects and plots, but I often laugh out of my mind in the movie theater, because according to my childhood experience, ghosts/Piao/Spirits are really fine. They don't do those boring things, and they only play naughty when they do, like children or naughty old people, but when their attachments are too deep, they will also fall into a loop state that they can't turn around. After understanding their state, the rest will be distressed, not fear.

So in the end, will Ghost Moon open a ghost door, and then a bunch of ghosts will come out to party?

In my experience, when a person believes that only when the gate of hell is open can he contact relatives or find people he is looking for, he will keep this belief after death and only come to the place he wants to go when the gate of hell is open. place, find the person he is looking for. It's kind of like he paid for the rule and he followed it after death.

Where are they usually? According to my experience, they exist in the world of the undead. In the world view of Mongolian shamans, they are in the inner world, which does not overlap with our material phenomena world . Some religions classify them as the bardo, or the so-called underworld.

There are also some that usually exist in our material phenomena world, but usually because the spiritual body itself has its own attachment to the world, which may be the attachment to relatives, the attachment to one's own home, and the attachment to living things. Wait, let their stream of consciousness/spirit stay in the space where people are active or follow the people and things they are attached to. But this is really a minority, and it is also the spirits that I have been able to see and communicate with since I was a child. When I was a child, I always wondered why they stayed in the same place all the time, or obsessed with looking for certain people and things, until I grew up, I didn't realize that it was caused by their beliefs in life , and we who are alive can do it for them. There are really not many, I just hope that one day I can help them let go of their obsessions, go where they should go, and enter the next stage. This is also what many Mongolian shamans and undead guides are working on.

So why do some people feel uncomfortable during the ghost month?

On the one hand, it may be that the fear of the ghost door opening is subconscious , especially since many people were scared by their parents with ghosts when they were young, fear education such as being caught by ghosts if they did something, or if they didn’t do anything. He will be punished by the gods, not blessed, and then the ghosts will take him away. My mother also tried to use this kind of story to scare me since I was a child, but she didn't know that I could talk to spirits all the time, so these stories didn't deter me at all! what! Until a while ago, my mother would still use such words to warn me to go to the temple to worship, lest the gods not bless me! Such a deeply ingrained concept cannot be reversed. After all, it is their belief, and it is good to respect it if the communication is invalid.

In my world, the gods/high spirits/guide spirits are the concatenation of the stream of consciousness of our souls. In simple terms, we are one , and everything that happens in reality is created by our own thoughts and manifested by our thoughts. Reality is all about the choices we make about every thought, intuition, event. Like the butterfly effect, every tiny thought creates our environment. And what the guides can do is remind us from time to time, through the stream of consciousness of our own soul, something, like a deeper intuition, which has the opportunity to be explored in other articles.

In addition, the reason for feeling uncomfortable during the ghost month may also be the pressure of environmental energy caused by collective consciousness and fear . Some people are more sensitive to environmental energy (the so-called magnetic field). Although I can't see the existence of the spiritual body, I can feel something strange, even feeling drowsy, sore shoulders and neck, unable to lift my spirits, sleep well, etc. Don't think about the problems caused by the spiritual body. Let's start from the two To disassemble the reasons from one aspect~


Usually this season is easy to suffer from heat stroke. The above symptoms are very similar to heat stroke, not necessarily because of being stuck in the shade or being followed by ghosts. So I recommend dealing with the possibility of physical discomfort first.


Drink more water, urinate more, exercise to increase metabolism, replenish enough electrolytes, and reduce the chance of entering and leaving the air-conditioned room

Take a comfortable hot bath, see a Chinese medicine practitioner to adjust the water imbalance in the body, and use warm water instead of cold drinks

Because people live in the realm of material phenomena, although there will be discomfort caused by the collision of energy/frequency, but people have a physical body, instead of frightening themselves with unknown things, it is better to use known knowledge first. Just as the three aspects of body and mind must be balanced, no state can have only one influencing factor. At least that's how my interactions with medicine and the spiritual world have worked for the past thirty years.

First rule out physical problems, and then do spiritual-related processing~

Spiritual aspect:

If you want to reduce the energy collision of the "collective subconscious fear of the opening of the ghost gate" (usually I don't say it's injury, it's just the discomfort caused by the collision, because that energy makes people uncomfortable, that's all), you can try the following Ways to purify and tune the space you are in~

1. Sea salt purification method

Prepare sea salt, small soy sauce dish, alcohol (75%, no alcohol paste), aluminum foil, lighter

In each room, including toilets, storage rooms and other spaces, put a piece of aluminum foil on the ground to ensure that it will not burn to the ground or other things around it, and put a small soy sauce dish on it. A layer of alcohol just over the height of the sea salt

Make sure that each room has been placed one, you can open the doors and windows of all rooms to ensure ventilation, and then ignite one by one. The amount of alcohol does not need to be too much. Normally, it will burn out in about 30-60 seconds, which is enough.

Just do it every two or three months, unless there are various people coming and going in the family every day, and then do it once a month.

Second, burning sage bundles, wormwood

This method is relatively simple, but some people do not like the taste of sage and wormwood, so they can use the above sea salt purification method. If there are young children at home, it is not recommended to use this method, because the ashes of sage and wormwood after burning may still cause air pollution.

The above methods can be used at home, please pay attention to the candles!

This method can clear the energy of the environment, which is a bit like the concept of returning to zero. Don’t worry about hurting A Piao, because they are not actually in the same space as us, and everything we do in the world of material phenomena will not directly affect the Their world cannot be touched because of different frequencies, and it will not drive them away because of this, but will let the energy of the space return to zero, so that we can adjust the frequency of the space later.

We will feel their presence and energy frequency, usually because our own energy is weak, there are holes, we are sick, we are recovering from a serious illness, our mind is fragile, and we are too fearful, etc., so that the frequency of the spirit body is more likely to oscillate to us, or Those who have experienced near-death experiences and shared frequency with the world of the undead are more easily affected by their energy frequency.

The next step is to adjust the frequency of the space, so that people and things in the space are less likely to be resonated by the frequency of the spiritual body , and naturally they will not feel the existence of the undead. If there is a chance in the future, you may encounter passing gods or high spirits. The shaman consciousness that is doing the guidance of the undead, etc., sent these spirits to where they should go by the way. But until we don't have this ability ourselves, we just need to isolate ourselves from their resonance.

1. Burn Peruvian holy wood powder and sticks, and bathe with Peruvian holy wood pure water

Peruvian sacred wood is a tree from Peru, scientific name Bursera graveolens, Spanish called palo santo, origin is Peru, but it can also be bought in Taiwan. From my personal experience, he can adjust the frequency of the entire space, either by burning or placing logs in the space. The smell he naturally emits has the effect of increasing the spatial frequency, so my own way of using it is to burn a small spoonful of Peruvian holy wood powder every day, and place carvings of Peruvian holy wood in each room, so that he can maintain me at any time. The frequency of energy you feel comfortable with.

In addition, I will take a shower after diluting the Peruvian holy wood hydrosol. After diluting with a small glass of water, it is very comfortable to shower on my body, just like the ancient people took a wormwood bath.

2. Use the spiritual therapy you have learned

If you have learned to call your own power animals, reiki healing, etc., you can also use the skills you have learned to adjust the frequency of the space, and even cut off the fear of spiritual bodies. These are taught to some extent in various spiritual healing courses, so remember to use them after you have learned them!

These methods can be done on a daily basis, and you don't have to do it in a ghost month . You will feel that the existence of the undead is usually due to a hole in your energy body or a lack of qi (weak energy/strength). After completing these purification and frequency modulation measures, the most important thing is self-healing and healing, whether it is for the unknown The fear of the world or the hole in the energy body requires time to mend and heal! Among them, understanding how these invisible worlds work can also help us let go of fear and achieve the effect of healing the subconscious. After that, I have the opportunity to do a video or an article to analyze this part.

I hope that the above sharing can help friends who need it, understand the existence of spiritual bodies, and look at it with a normal heart, without fear or fear, the operation of the universe naturally has its own logic.

Undead and spirit bodies are not scary, what is scary is usually scary, scary to death! what!

May everyone be prosperous, happy, peaceful and happy


 Friends who don't believe it after reading it, it doesn't matter, just read it as a story. ^^
I am still practicing in practice, adjusting in collisions, recording experiences and growth, and learning from everyone, everything, the earth, and the universe.
"Teacher, preaching, teaching, and dispelling doubts." Confucius.
Therefore, everything in the universe is my teacher, and I may be the teacher of some people at a certain stage.
I hope my self-talk can also help some friends who have been talking to themselves like me.

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