
我是個味覺白癡,味蕾分辨不出100塊的澳牛和1000塊的和牛差在哪裡,希望不要再打鐵了。 「打鐵」是指投籃不進,球打在籃框上就會聽到「噹」的一聲,就像鐵匠打鐵的聲音,有點引申為作白工的意思。 有拍盡力回拍,也歡迎關注,歡樂共享。

Essays on Life – The Space Experience Activity

It's fun if you paint me

A few days ago, I saw Matty's article "Matters New Plan for 2022: The Space | Sign up and become an early player! ” , I want to say that such an interesting event, you must come and sign up. Although only 50 friends were open at the beginning, and the quota was filled quickly, I still had the cheek to wait for the wait, and then the official also asked me to participate. , so, when I received the test notification letter on 1/14, I was looking forward to this experience.

At 8:00 pm on 1/15, The Space test platform opened on time. As a novice, I was stuck for a long time and could not log in to the platform. After I finally logged in, it turned out to be like this.

After groping against the wall for a period of time, I finally understood the interesting creative behavior mentioned in the article. I saw that many people choose to create alone, some choose to cooperate with others, and some people continue to "destroy" the existing patterns. The "pixel" concept of NFT as a canvas is not very clear. It is in a "sellable" state at any time. As long as you buy it, you can re-price and color the pixels. After buying a few pixels, it becomes clear after playing. In this experience, you can feel that most of us are in a chaotic and unclear state. You can feel that damage is greater than creation. Many people want to do their best to repair, but limited by the inability to pay the value of "pixels", they can only Looking and sighing.

What I learned from participating in the My Space experience this time is that cooperation is a gradual process. Without mutual trust, it is impossible to cooperate , and it is easy to destroy and difficult to build . The last creation we cooperated seems to be an abstract creation comparable to the master level. This time The experience of the game is a really fun concept for you to paint me and change it, and I look forward to the game testing activities during the Lunar New Year.


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