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Matters' Guide to Catching Up | Vikings

A question for you guys, how can you be "clothed but still naked, with a companion and still alone, eating and still empty stomach."

The picture comes from the official website

Maybe many people are not interested in historical dramas, or are only interested in the history they are familiar with. For example, many Chinese know the generals and celebrities of the Three Kingdoms period well, or the samurai and anecdotes of the Japanese Warring States period, but , the history of the Western world is also fascinating. Anyone who has read novels in their spare time probably knows that there is a category of Western fantasy novels, which is basically a category derived from the stacking and imagination of Western history.

The picture comes from the official website

What I would like to recommend is the world-renowned epic series "Vikings". "Vikings" tells the story of the rise of the "Vikings". The beginning of the time background is the 8th or 9th century. It has brought the lives of some important figures in history at that time, covering the early history of the Vikings. "Vikings", also known as Viking pirates, are also today's Nordic countries, such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and other countries. For us, "Vikings" is a somewhat unfamiliar term, but for medieval European countries, Vikings were a nightmare, they seemed to be born only to plunder, and all over Europe There is a bloody record left by them. After they plundered a lot of wealth and returned to their hometown, they ate meat and drink with their comrades, and generously rewarded those loyal followers with the plundered wealth. War must be accompanied by death. , But the Vikings were never afraid of death, they only cared about honoring their gods and making their gods proud of them. After death, their comrades-in-arms would be together in the Hall of Valor, just as they used to eat meat, drink, and joke about the past. Glory.

The picture comes from the official website

"Vikings" (Vikings) is a series produced by the Canadian History Channel. The stories and scenes are based on certain historical facts. It tells the life of the most ferocious Viking warriors in history, mainly based on the most famous Vikings. One of the legendary heroes, Ragnar Lodbrok, also translated as Ragnar Lodbrok's point of view, many of the characters in the album are based on Nordic history or their legends. Real characters, most of the main events in the play also come from real history. The protagonist is the first Viking who led his men to sail west to plunder. He successfully raided England and eventually became the king of Scandinavia. After his death, his sons also led the way, leading the Viking warriors to show their talents on various battlefields.

There is a sentence in the daily hymn of the Saint-Vast monastery on the north coast of France: "Save us, God, the savage northerners are trampling on our homeland." It can be seen that the European countries in the Middle Ages were afraid of the Vikings. The bones are logical, people in the Middle Ages have always been in awe of unknown events, so for them, the mysterious Vikings are more like devils, and they are extremely afraid. In their eyes, the "Viking pirates" are haunted, cruel and bloodthirsty. As long as they see a living person, they will kill and rob the property of the deceased. They kill people, rob property, and leave immediately, leaving the armies of various countries wounded. Through the brain.

Because it tells about the world of the Vikings, it has to mention Norse mythology. There are many special parts in Norse mythology. The history of oral transmission of Norse mythology can be traced back to the 1st or 2nd century. Norse mythology is particularly focused on describing destruction. All things, including gods, are not eternal. The gods knew that there would be a catastrophe in the end. They fought monsters with a spirit of struggle, and faced difficult circumstances with an indomitable spirit. This is what Norse mythology holds. Worldview, this is the biggest difference between Norse mythology and other myths in the world. The well-known Marvel also chooses to create superheroes in movies based on Norse mythology, such as Thor, the god of lies/mischief, Loki, the goddess of the underworld, Hela, etc. .

As the history channel's acclaimed and well-known series "Vikings" (Vikings), it not only includes many well-known actors from northern Europe, the United States and Canada and other countries, but also has bloody scenes of large-scale wars, climaxing plots, Vikings. Interpretation of beliefs and worldviews, and the impact of many different cultures are one of the reasons why I want to recommend everyone to watch. In addition, the cast of this play is because it wants to show the life of violent Viking pirates, like sea robbery and continuous expansion. During the process, the actors must enter the training camp for a long period of combat training, in order to truly present the fighting scenes that were punched to the flesh at that time. I know that this series has a total of 79 episodes, and the sixth season is expected to be the final season, Enjoy it.

PS: When the protagonist first met his second wife, the Wolwa witch Aslaug, Ragnar gave her a puzzle to test her wisdom: But still naked, with a companion but still alone, eating and still empty stomach”. Asraqi then put on a fishing net, nibbled on an apple, and brought a dog to meet Ragnar. He admired the wit and decided to marry her.

I really like this "Vikings" (Vikings). In addition, there are photos of the actors in the play competing with normal life photos on the Internet. Let me borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and post a few pictures. For the complete article, please go to the dedicated article to watch.





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