
記錄生活 喜歡就看 不喜歡就算了 我很矛盾,幹啥都是 我並不同意你的觀點,還會翻白眼,但是我誓死捍衛你說話的權利。 有任何事情要連繫我,歡迎來信contradictory20210706@gmail.com

Mosquito ah mosquito, do we have a chance to negotiate?

Niuniu was probably a mosquito trap in her last life! ! !

Niuniu was probably a mosquito trap in her last life! ! ! Why do all mosquitoes like me so much?

No matter the season, no time, no place, as long as you see me, I will run with me immediately. What about same-sex repulsion? ? It's hard to say that I'm actually a boy?

To me, mosquitoes are like perverts, you can see them wherever you go! ! ! Rooms, classrooms, gardens and even toilets.

It's just that they don't teach martial arts, they always attack me inadvertently, secretly kiss my butt when I go to the bathroom; secretly bite on my lips or cheeks when I sleep; his imprint.

As a lady with no temperament , she can't keep scratching in public, especially in such embarrassing places.

There are many ways to avoid mosquitoes on the Internet. According to my personal test, it has no effect at all :)

 Do you know when mosquitoes appear?
● 9-10 o'clock and 16-17 o'clock, the mosquitoes that bite people are mainly Aedes albopictus (commonly known as flower mosquito);
● From 19 to 23 o'clock and from 2 to 4 o'clock in the morning, the mosquitoes that bite people are mainly Culex pipiens pallens;
● From 21 to 22 o'clock, the mosquitoes that bite people are mainly Culex tritaenus;
● One hour after sunset to before dawn, Anopheles sinensis comes out to bite human blood, such as when the temperature rises (23-25 degrees) and moonlight nights, the blood-sucking activity increases

As for the fact that many people will write the above information to tell you when there will be a lot of mosquitoes, Niu Niu seriously doubts its authenticity, because for me, they are the bad guys who appear by my side all the time and covet me.

damn mosquito

Speaking of mosquitoes, Niuniu is indeed a well-deserved "hardest hit area". She was bitten twice and turned into cellulitis, and she still has scars! !

If I still slept in the same room with my parents now, then I would probably be the modern version of Wu Meng full of mosquitoes, a representative of filial piety worthy of being written into textbooks! !

Once, a friend of mine jokingly told me that he likes to travel with me the most. I was very puzzled and asked the reason. He said that if I go out to play, I won’t be bitten by mosquitoes, which made me laugh and cry. . .

Although based on the experience you have given me in the past, I have learned many ways to relieve itching, but I still want to have a discussion with all the mosquitoes I can't identify, and stop kissing my face and butt! ! ! ! You can do whatever you want in other places~ (deflate and resist)

Provide you and me the itching method that I exchanged for blood:

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory:

Salt: It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and can also effectively remove itching. Mix salt and water, apply it on the bitten place, it will soon stop itching, the effect is very good, and the material is easy to take!

Aloe vera: Aloe vera also has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply a little aloe vera gel to the affected area, or fold off a piece of aloe vera and apply it to the bite to relieve itching.

Banana peel: Banana peel also has antibacterial and analgesic effects, which can treat inflammation, relieve discomfort caused by formic acid, and inhibit bacterial growth. The method of use is also very simple, just cut a banana peel into a small piece and apply it to the itchy area.

Garlic: Garlic slices and applied to the bitten area can also relieve itching and reduce swelling. And the smell of garlic can prevent mosquitoes from biting you again!

Acid-base neutralization:

The reason why you feel nourished by mosquito bites is because mosquitoes secrete formic acid, which is used as an alkaline substance, which can balance formic acid, achieve the effect of acid-base neutralization, and reduce the feeling of itching.

Baking soda: Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with water, then apply the paste lightly to the bitten area. After washing, it will immediately eliminate the itching after the bite. (If you are in the wild, you can also use urine instead)

Soap: If you don't have toilet water at home, you can apply a little soap or soapy water to the mosquito bites. Soaps contain sodium salts, so they are also effective. (But my personal impression is: the effect is short-lived)

Toothpaste: Toothpaste contains alkaline ingredients, and toothpaste contains a certain amount of menthol, which is a local anesthetic that can greatly reduce inflammation and itching. Squeeze toothpaste onto clean fingers and apply to the affected area for instant relief from mosquito bite itching!

Don't know the principle class:

Lemon: If you are bitten by a mosquito, you can gently rub the bitten part with lemon or other acidic fruit. The citric acid can react chemically with the bite, resulting in a better itching effect.

Hot water: Heat helps suppress the histamine response, so applying a hot compress can effectively suppress itching.

Oil-based ballpoint pen: Use a ballpoint pen to draw a circle around the stinged bud to relieve itching.

I hope everyone will not be attacked by mosquitoes in summer~ If you have any anti-mosquito methods or manufacturing methods, please leave a message and share, Niu Niu thank you for your suggestions first 🙏🙏

...................................................... ...................................................... .................2022/03/25 Contradictory girl


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