一頁閱讀 One Page A Day
一頁閱讀 One Page A Day

什麼是 #一頁閱讀?就是隨手翻開一本書中的一頁,就針對裡面的內容詳讀和思考,然後用隨筆的方式紀錄下自己的心得。 行銷人在數位學習的新創領域鑽研,進入科技業成為海外擴張策略團隊成員。以數位學習的專長帶領公司將經驗技術拓展到世界各地。 熱愛閱讀與寫作,重視身心靈平衡與健康的生活。

One Page A Day Challenge

I'm going to start a one-page reading campaign.


I started to develop the habit of reading in about 2018 (I really didn’t like reading books since I was a child!), frankly speaking, my heart is extremely empty and ignorant. I hope it can be healed or filled through reading, because I really like all kinds of interactions with the author. Coincidentally, there is also the deep wisdom of systematically summarizing and organizing books, and the books are really cheap. I bought almost 20 copies this year and only spent 5,000 yuan!

But I feel so stressed about the process of reading a book and then sharing it well, so that I don't often output it. Sometimes I am very happy to put it back on the bookcase after reading it, and then disappear into the fog with my atrophied brain. .

In fact, reading is not a one-way process. Sometimes I didn't buy the book myself, and at first I didn't think it would have anything to do with me, but because of work, meeting, or wanting to understand a person for various reasons, I read this book, and the magic is that every time I read it As soon as I opened it, my brain spontaneously began to connect with my experience, sometimes answering my inner questions, sometimes evoking forgotten memories and thoughts, sometimes giving me new perspectives, that kind of "Windfall" is like an unearned gain. I obviously have no purpose, but I am heading for a better place. Since then, I have been curious about every book and excited about the whole bookstore, because I can deeply appreciate the mysterious energy.

Therefore, reading is not one-way. We can have many unique perspectives and experiences to interpret and imagine. After working in a business environment for many years, I thought that rationality may be more important than sensibility, but in reading and writing, I am afraid that the main Xiu Literature has been reminding me of my romantic potential

What is one page reading? It is to open a page of a book, read and think about the content in it, and then use an essay to record your own experience. Much easier 😌

Just like when I was at the University before, starting from 2017, online products related to reading have been launched every year, including live broadcasts of business wars, business war celebrities, business war managers reading clubs, big reading, etc. In retrospect, it turns out that AirPlus has the most.

I hope to have a fixed output and accumulation to commemorate the thoughts I wrote down this morning.


【Read one page a day】

Open a page of a book at will (the cover, table of contents, and information pages are not counted, but the preface and the text are all fine!), read and think about the content, and then use an essay to record your own experience, unlimited The number of words, the experience can only have slang words and emoji XD

  1. In the text # one page reading
  2. It is not compulsory to post a public post, but if you do it publicly, you can let the participating friends communicate with each other!
  3. Attach the cover and a photo of that page
  4. Why did you choose this book today?
  5. Write down your thoughts
  6. Important: One page a day!

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