
金融業的我 斜槓人生 面對未來,換一種心情 面對工作,换一種思維 面對自己,誠實以對 面對別人,輕鬆以對 新的年度,新的目標

si Kaoru | I finally have the courage to speak up for myself, and I feel that I am back to that optimistic self.

I often lose myself in the loss again and again. After a series of depressions and expressions, I grow brave wings, and I want to fly fearlessly. My mind gradually becomes clear and clear, what do I care about the most? what is.

Watching the ripples in the water makes people very calm

🍀The feeling of wanting to go home

Recently I was in the activity of [Perfume with local characteristics]. When I saw green trees, mountains and rivers in the Xiaobitan tribe, I suddenly wanted to go home and said to my mother, "I booked a train ticket, I will take a vacation. Going home alone, there are usually less crowds than usual, and after reporting the itinerary happily, my mother smiled and said, "Okay! Her expression is very happy!"

I went to the supermarket to pick up the tickets. I was happy to think that I hadn’t been home for several months. I was actually very anxious. I hoped to go home soon to see my parents. I used to think that my parents were still in good health. I was really scared. When they left me, I realized that my parents were really old. I was so happy, but I received a call from the assistant last night. She was diagnosed with a positive diagnosis. All vacations until 8/23 were suspended. I had no choice but to I went to refund the ticket again, this is the third refund.

🍀 The unbearable loss

I delivered the souvenirs that I was going to take home and delivered them directly to my home. I made a video call with my mother and told her that I couldn’t go home again. As long as my mother wanted me to pay attention to my health, she also said that she had already packed meat dumplings and waited for me to return. I eat at home and feel her depressed mood. Since my mother-in-law had a stroke, I have never been able to go home on the second day of the new year, or even during the Chinese New Year. My mother always said that my mother-in-law only came home during the Chinese New Year. I have to take good care of her, she I always say that I am more like my mother-in-law's daughter, and I wish I could accompany her, but I can't say the words in my heart.

She asked me to take good care of the family every time, but I never took good care of them. I was young, strong and stubborn. I got married early and lived with my in-laws, which has surpassed my original family. I am very lucky. With the love of parents and in-laws, the most precious thing in life is to accompany them and be filial. I think my heart has never wanted to grow up. But I don't want to face it in my heart, I can only cherish every gathering.

🍀Be brave to speak up for yourself

Today, a branch wants to ask for support on 8/26. I immediately put a stamp on the calendar and report to the manager. If the assistant comes back on time, because the assistant's vacation has already canceled all of his vacations, I hope to give myself priority on vacation at that time, I put this After three bookings and tickets, the process of canceling the ticket told the manager and asked her to give priority to my fake order. After the manager understood my situation, he agreed to my fake order.

I don’t like to compete, and I don’t have an excellent response. Every time I encounter a situation, I am always stunned by the authority of my boss. All the thoughts in my mind suddenly go blank, and I am speechless, like a dumb person eating a yellow lotus. I'm always very annoyed every time, why can't this mouth speak! I often lose myself in the loss again and again. After a series of depressions and expressions, I grow brave wings, and I want to fly fearlessly. My mind gradually becomes clear and clear, what do I care about the most? what is.

In the process of my study, the sisters always expressed their own thoughts to themselves, reported topics, and asked me to speak on behalf of the team. Slowly, I no longer felt that fear when I spoke, and spoke my true voice and inner thoughts. When I said it, the moment I really said it, I felt really good. The feeling that I used to feel like I was choked by the words disappeared. I was really happy, and I was optimistic again like before.

I'm looking forward to surprising my parents, not just a child herding sheep, just wait for me to come back! I am still the daughter who pestered her parents to talk, and the chatterbox could never be tied, the daughter whose whole family held in the palms of their hands.


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