YK @一杯咖啡的生活
YK @一杯咖啡的生活

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Block World|Why is it better to register ISCN before casting NFT works?

Because there are NFT works registered with ISCN, it is more guaranteed, because...

The work has been minted into NFT, why register ISCN?

Anyone can mint "works" into NFTs and sell them on trading platforms. The person or company that mints and sells NFT works is not necessarily the creator himself. Even the NFT works sold may be A goods, that is, replica works.

The blockchain has the unique advantages of permanent preservation and non-deletion, but it cannot prevent people from putting fake information and works on the chain. However, compared with the Web2 world, Web3 is easier to find the source of fake information and works.

If you cast the work you create into NFT and put it on the trading platform to share and sell, it is possible that it will be copied and downloaded at once, and then cast into another NFT work that is exactly the same, and put it on another platform for sale.

While we can't stop people from minting A or NFTs, we can increase the troublesomeness of those who want to do so. It is to register the work with a unique ISCN ID before casting the NFT work.

ISCN is full of International Standard Content Number. Whenever you register a work with ISCN, the unique metadata of the work and the author's information will be recorded on the blockchain, and then a unique ISCN ID will be generated, which is the confirmation of property rights and traceability of the work.

Now let's look at it from a different angle, from the collector's position. If you see your favorite work on the NFT trading platform, if the work shows the ISCN ID of the work, you can easily find the metadata of the work and the information of the original creator. Help to prevent the purchase of A goods.

Therefore, when a collector buys an NFT work with an ISCN ID, they not only have the uniqueness of the work, but also have the confirmed property rights information of the work, as well as the connection with the original author of the work. Make this NFT work more valuable.

My current NFT works are mainly placed on objkt.com in the Tezos chain, because it is cheap and environmentally friendly, and there are more art creators. My latest series is called " tree bark ", which is a photo of tree bark I took in Nam Sang, Yuen Long. I hope you will like it. Each work has an ISCN ID, you can copy the ISCN ID, and then you can search for the metadata and author information of the work here https://app.like.co/ . Let's try it out ^^

Finally, I recommend reading the article "Publishing NFT Immigration. Paradigm Shift" by @高建reconstruction to rethink the digital world: LikeCoin founder Gao Jianjian talks about decentralized publishing 👍

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