
生命本身即是奇蹟。這裡放送屬於奇蹟的故事,我是Miracle。雜學家。疾病帶我找回自己,邀請你一同參與,療癒生命的旅程。 ✨ 奇蹟放送所出沒處:https://linktr.ee/miraclewu000 ✨ 聯絡信箱:miraclewu000@gmail.com

Flowers of Life—No.4:0808|Between the mountains and the sea, Happy Father's Day!

"Between the Mountain and the Sea" - 2021, miracle. Only this poem is dedicated to my father. Between the mountains and the sea, in the heaven and earth, the fresh breath of wandering in nature is the image I feel. I wish you good health and all the best, the forever mountain in my heart. 💚💙⛰
The mist-shrouded mountains I saw when I was out with my family before.

This piece of work is dedicated to my Lord Shanyue. After painting the last flower of life, I happened to meet Father's Day, the upcoming festival, so I tried to add elements of specific festivals to the picture, even thinking about it before going to bed. The so-called gift should be sent to the heart, and the image to be added in the painting should be more realistic and closer to the other person's favorite things, the better, so I thought: mountains .

"Between the Mountains and the Sea"
 Parents are mountains, and the sea is vast and vast, and the sea is the junction of hundreds of rivers and mountains, and it is the earth that nurtures life and all things are born from it.
— 2021, Miracle. Only this poem is dedicated to my father.

This poem is the sentence that came to my mind when I woke up early in the morning.

Between the mountains and the sea, in the heaven and earth, the fresh breath of wandering in nature is the image I feel.

My father is taciturn, but he likes to be close to the mountains. So to the natural elements of this original painting, I added feathers, leaves, veins, branches, bushes, trees, stacked mountain imagery, water flow representing the source, and natural totems.

Extending from the tiny branches and leaves in the center, the layers gradually bloom outward. There are creeks, leaves, groups of trees, growing trees, and totems derived from nature. The scenery is all incorporated into the picture to form this piece of work.

Our father and daughter do not speak sweet words. What we have in common with each other is that we are emotionally restrained and clumsy. Therefore, words other than "Happy Father's Day" can only be expressed in strokes. And this day happened to be a day when everyone offered their blessings, so I took this opportunity to say a simple but sincere sentence to my dad: " Dad loves you more than me! "

Thank you for raising me up, thank you for taking me to see an old Chinese doctor, thank you for letting me recuperate at home, thank you for taking care of me all the time. Because of you, there is me. I wish you good health and all the best, the forever mountain in my heart.

In the future, please continue to advise.

Father's Day card for Dad in 2021. The veins in the center symbolize the endless nature.

In fact, in the picture of the creation of this work, there is also a small Easter egg quietly hidden, which is today's date: the number of 8/8, does anyone know where it is? (If you can't find it, you can collect it first. After the article is published for 24 hours, you are welcome to go to the message area to find the answer~)

Only this painting is dedicated to my dearest, mountain-like father. On this day, I will bring you a landscape of mountains and seas. Happy Father's Day! I also wish you all the best~🥰❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍💕 (August 2021)

In the side shot, in accordance with the theme of this time, calm and restrained dark blue lines are used.

I'm Miracle and this is the 100th article I'm sharing on Pathfinder. When I went back and read it for the Flower of Life series, my heart was full of emotion and reluctance. This article is a small milestone in my creative journey. Half a year has passed, and now the field that gave birth to me is about to enter history, and I am also starting to move towards the next intersection. How to take a step forward? How will it develop in the future? It's all full of unknowns.

Still, I know I'm on the right track. Although initially unclear, the path has become clearer over time. After creating this work, I also quietly made a decision in my heart - the flower of life, this is what I want to do: use the energy I feel from the flower of life, through the presentation of the picture, for everyone Bring warmth, enthusiasm and hope to life.

The painting of the flower of life is a medium. When you are exhausted in life, looking at this creation painted for you, you can be in it and recharge yourself at the right time, because it is the flower of life that belongs to you.

Everyone has a time when they need to rest, and I just can create a space for you to rest in a painting. The master who created this landscape is you, I'm just ghostwriting for you. Therefore, in this painting, you can return to your own origin. Here, you don't need to worry about other things, you can become a complete self, and you can be with yourself at ease. Being who we are is a simple but important thing that we often forget to do. The Flower of Life is here to remind us of this. So, I should do it, and this is what I should do.

I thought so.

(unfinished, to be continued)

 ※The release date of this article: 2022/01/08, adapted from the article published on 2021/08/08 in Pathfinder "My Dearest - Between the Mountains and Seas, Happy Father's Day~". Simultaneously posted on FB, Matters, Fangzi, IG.
※All rights reserved, those who wish to reprint must inform in advance, and infringement must be investigated.

【About my haunting place】
FB Fanzhuan: Miracle Broadcasting Station
Instagram: miracle_wu_000
Matters: miracle | Miracle Broadcasting Station
✨Grid : miracle | Miracle Broadcasting Station
✨Contact Email: miraclewu000@gmail.com


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