
財經傳媒三十年老兵, 歷任香港經濟一週社長/道瓊斯中國地區總編輯, 在香港成長, 在內地創業, 在美國上市, 曾旅居英國, 但最愛在台灣流連,

Highly decentralized configuration and combination welcome the reconstruction of the world order

Ray Dalio, founder of the world's largest hedge fund "Bridgewater Fund", once foresaw the financial crisis in 2008 and predicted that the US economy would suffer a long-term impact due to the new crown epidemic. He now warns that under the current cycle of reconstruction of the world order, A highly diversified portfolio should be planned

This cycle is characterized by the US spending more than it earns and printing a lot of money, facing huge wealth and political divides and conflicts, and the decline of existing powers relative to emerging powers.

Investors should minimize their holdings of USD, EUR and JPY cash and bonds, and put their money in a highly diversified portfolio of assets (including equities and inflation hedges), especially in financially sound, highly educated populations, Internally orderly country.

While the central bank is tightening, the government will not allow the rate of return on cash to consistently exceed that of a highly diversified portfolio that does not hold cash, as this would cause serious problems.


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