
喜欢粉色,粉色是我对生活的态度, 写下属于我自己的看法和想法❤ 无论亲情友情爱情都离不开生活 ❤

A letter to myself ten years ago - love does not stop

Ten years are very fast, and I have experienced a lot, from chasing love all over the world to being sober and independent and brave to move forward alone, the future is long, the days are still going, and the future can be expected🖤🖤
Where was I ten years ago? I should be working in Genting. For the love at that time, I cut it first and then made a payment, and then I told my mother after finishing the formalities. The love I thought didn't last long, maybe 4 months. He was empathetic, and I had to let it go.
 (interview > pass interview > get admission letter > prepare luggage > go to Genting staff dormitory to put luggage > report > training > prepare for work)
I didn't tell my family about this process until I called my mother the day before I went to work,
Said: I won't go home anytime soon, I work in Genting, don't miss me too much.
My mother is angry and ignores me for half a year, even if I go home from vacation, she treats me as transparent😥😥

To myself ten years ago

:: How long has the so-called love kept you in place?

How about you at work~ You will work step by step in Genting, you will open your eyes in Genting, meet different people, and meet many, many friends, some of whom will have continuous contact with you in the next 5 years or more. touch. Working in Genting, you will go from being afraid of being scolded for making mistakes to getting more and more skilled and performing better (the leader has already set a meeting to announce that you and another colleague will be promoted to Leader when he comes back from his honeymoon), But you haven't waited for your leader to come back from the honeymoon , and the leaders of other teams will reach out and mess with your team's already-set schedule. (Intervention ① here)

You have already arranged a schedule, but you are suddenly told that on the day of the concert you need to be on night shift and cannot watch the concert (the concert starts at 8:00 pm , and the duty time is from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am ). Running around, it's not obvious that people will be bullied when the leader is not there~ I can't bear to be bullied to the top of your head. You can be angry and quit your job. It doesn't matter. Get out of that place where power is used + a bit savage. What makes you the most heart-warming is that your leader came back from the honeymoon and received the news that you have resigned from the blue 🤣🤣, hurriedly called you and said: Why can't you bear it~ You should wait for me to come back, everything is easy to handle , but you left without warning when I was on my honeymoon... Ouch~~~ Sister, it's okay, you can make another appointment when you go down the mountain, and I'll come to you for a drink when I'm on vacation😃🙂(You guys The life after drinking and laughing at the bar)

This is ①
Over the course of a year and a half, you will meet two interesting people you like, but neither of them are your sweethearts. One is a man who has a different identity than you. His family doesn't like you because it 's not right for you. You know that it’s not right to be in the right house, you work hard to change the status quo, and in the process of hard work, you will receive the funniest reason for breaking up in your life:

 I can't balance love and career now, I can only concentrate on one thing, which is my career. sorry!

Because you liked him so much, you suddenly lost the focus of your life when you were suddenly broken up, you felt that the world was collapsing, your soul was lost, and you hid in the quilt and cried bitterly. You thought you were going to go through a painful recovery period in the dark. But during your three or four months of pain, there is a chef who is busy with you every day, crying with you and walking around with you. During this time, you are too selfish to use his liking for you to pay for your pain. Because he likes you very much, he wants to give you the best he has, but you still don't like him very much in your heart. You are very grateful to him for accompanying you through your painful recovery period (otherwise you would not have yourself in ten years), but thank you for your gratitude, if you don’t like it in your heart, you don’t like it, you understand and don’t want to delay his life, you are right He said: I'm sorry! thank you! Never see you again! You will delete him from your communication records, including social software (seems a little cruel, but this will cut off his thoughts, years later he will ask you to add you on social media, but you did not confirm the addition)

After you recover, you concentrate on your work. The leader knows that you are very distressed that you have been broken up, so they propose a personnel transfer and let you go to work in another place. There will be a latte art master who suddenly comes to your life in work (because of work, you must learn to make coffee and beautiful latte art within a month). Please remember! ! Don't like baristas! ! It is interesting that he is a professional latte art barista, but the prodigal son will not be with you because you are young, he is a prodigal son barista, he will not stop, but will give you a bigger blow in life. If you have the opportunity, please avoid this barista and do not have more contact with the barista, but with too much contact you will rewrite your future life, and your future life will be completely different!

Ok~~ You are disobedient, you still did not bypass this prodigal barista, you like him because he is interesting, and you are worried because you can't see him, and you start to be suspicious (after all, he is very good-looking and popular), the prodigal son After all, he is a prodigal son. He will not stop for you for a momentary interest (he left after teaching Lahua) before he left, he left you a big gift, and later you found out that you had an unreceived gift. By the time you receive that gift, you'll be overwhelmed and unacceptable, and you'll throw the gift away . This time, although you were hit hard by the realistic gift, your heart was not hurt as badly. Maybe because the interesting soul will dissipate, people take tea to cool, and the heart that you like is still wandering.

At that time, you would feel fed up with being hurt continuously and wanted to leave this sad place. It just so happened that other leaders reached out to your work to give you a reason and reason to leave. Before you are ready to leave, you will watch a concert in Genting (because you chose to leave the concert) , which is the first and only time in your life to watch a live concert. After watching the concert, I went back to the dormitory and had a good sleep. When I woke up, I immediately arranged to see off the carnival night . Drink before leaving, and find many friends you know to see you off. Although you will be reluctant to leave, you have to go down the mountain and go home (after you hand in your work permit, you can’t go anywhere)

You finally come home, still the familiar room, the familiar noise. After you go down the mountain and go home, you don’t work, you just eat, drink, spend , and spend your time at home. Your mother worriedly said, you are still young, go to study~ Otherwise, what can you do? What can you do without a diploma? it is good! ! Very good, this time you are very obedient to go to the school to find information and find a school that matches your grades . When you are looking for a school, you will meet your first love again (first love is in junior high school, campus love), and you will choose a school that is close to his work place because of your first love.

You think that this reunion with your first love is because God loves you for the emotional wounds you have suffered before, and gives you a chance to reunite with your first love. You very much believe that you can get married together. He's taking you home to meet your parents in a few months. You thought it was a happy ending, but you never thought that a year later, you would know that he has a girlfriend who has been with him for 4 years, no! It should be fiancee (yes! You have been a mistress for one year, are you stupid? His family just won't tell you that he already has a fiancée, and you are a mistress)

He disappeared on Valentine's Day 214, and when Facebook became popular, he told you he didn't have Facebook (FB)
Tell you that you are busy at work, and occasionally disappear on business trips for a day or two. You should wonder if there is someone outside. When he stammered and couldn't say why he disappeared, you should think about why, but your head seems to be After entering the water, I will not think about anything, I would rather believe the lies he said, how stupid!

Knowing that you're a three, your worldview is a bit turned upside down, heartbroken, and hurts that you don't want to go to class at all and just want to get away from all that is about first love. Oh~ By the way, after you knew he had a fiancée, you were so impulsive that you ran to his office and slapped him! It's rude to do this, but it's very pleasing.

After that cheeky first love knew that you knew that he had a fiancée, he didn't hide it and told you everything, saying that being with her was very hard and that there was no freedom, but being with you was very happy and very free. Then in the office where he works, he hits his head against the wall and his hand, and self-harms to ask for your forgiveness.

One day, your fiancée, who has been with you for 4 years, came to you to talk, and the content of the talk was that they were about to get married. Even if you wanted to grab it, you couldn't take it away! Silly girl, don't be too self-righteous about everything about your first love, thinking that he will choose you as a little girl who is still in school? Don't be stupid, a normal person will choose a path with assets and good living conditions, let alone a woman who has a joint savings account and a joint house with him.

The fiancée who has been with him for 4 years said: When the time comes, please come to my wedding with him, okay ?
You answer: OK, looking forward to your wedding invitations, I will definitely be there!

A cheeky first love will show up at your house, kneeling in the rain and begging for your forgiveness, saying that this time she will definitely break up with her and stop contacting her. Fortunately, you are no longer soft-hearted, you are awake, and you are no longer deceived by the sweet words of his package. You fell three times on this first love (once in junior high school , once in high school , this time for the last time), and this time you finally wake up! Thank goodness! Finally~~~ the real end of this relationship.

During your stay at the academy, because you did not apply for the government's PTPTN, you have to pay the full fee yourself.

The tuition fee for two years was about 26,000 yuan, and my mother gave the remaining 10,000 yuan to myself for part-time study. Because after you were hurt by the so-called first love, the most beautiful love, you failed in your grades, kept rereading, and finally couldn't stand it and didn't go back.

Choose to go to class in the morning and work in a bar in the evening to start your alcoholic life. You will lie to yourself that you are so badly deceived by your first love that you don’t miss studying very much. Every day you drink, make money, and spend money greedy for this flowery world. When you drink, you will meet a large group of good friends. Some of them are too rich. Rich makes you feel inferior. There are one or two good friends that you will never see again. Be sure to cherish the fact that you can drink together. Chat life. Even in the future you will remember it with a smile.

Guess how long it took you to end that stalking relationship before starting a new one? Hehe~ This time is a year. Silly girl, in fact, there is no shortage of boys around you. What you lack are good boys who can make you like . From the beginning of your junior high school, there are many more boys than girls around you. The ratio of male to female friends is 8:2. Even if you go out to work and start working, the friends around you are mostly boys.

You must be wondering why you haven't been in love for so long this time, right? You are so addicted to the flowery world of drinking that you don't want to fall in love at all, even boys who are interested in you can only be friends. Ambiguity is too common for you, you will start to set some rules for yourself, for example: if you don't want to go any further, just straight up say that you can only be good friends or strangers and no longer have any ambiguity , don't waste your feelings on you. In this way, there are more and more buddies around you. You will spend 5 years drinking as water , and you will be drunk after drinking a bottle of beer into a girl who is still sober after drinking a bottle of spirits a day. In these 5 years, you will have three more relationships, you can figure it out for yourself~~

(1) In your drinking life, you met a TW boy in the game. You will be together for a year and a half. He knows that you drink and work, you will meet, and he will travel to your country because he met you. , like you more, care about you more, and worry about you at the same time. You'll be annoyed at breaking up because you're sick of his caring and caring. You will feel that he is too long-winded and has no position (because he cares, and he constantly compromises to the humble for you)

(2) You who can't live without drinking are too arrogant, it can be said that you are crazy, you will disappear to accompany the person you like (if you don't contact your family for a week, your mother will call the police) 18 hours a day. Drink, play games, and forget about your family for your current love! If you don't report your whereabouts to your family, don't answer the phone, and don't reply to messages, you are simply in love with no brains. Don't worry, because your relationship is brainless, you will be broken up soon. It was sad that you were broken up, but the drinking world healed you quickly.

(iii) You will meet the opposite sex you met in Genting before working in Genting by chance at a drinking place on a certain day. From that day on, your life will start another waiting story. He, having money allows you to go abroad to play, and you can spend a happy year happily. Of course, it is inevitable for the two of you to drink. He spends money on drinking to build a network, and you spend time and youth with him to build his network. You also have gifts that belong to the two of you. You will stop contacting because the boy said he gave you happiness, and you will think that when he builds up his career again, he will get you back. The fact is not, you You think you have waited for this man for two years, but in fact you are waiting for a man who will not come back without any progress. You will gradually begin to dislike love because of the two years you have been waiting for. You will keep the safest distance with your friends and protect yourself.

Most importantly! ! Silly girl, can you please don't squander your health because of the world of flowers, no matter how good your health is, if you keep squandering it without taking care of it, your health will eventually be exhausted by you! Okay~ You are just so disobedient, consuming your body to the point of hormonal imbalance, you still don't care about continuing to consume, continue to revel, continue to consume your youth for your so-called love that will bear fruit.

One day in the future, you will definitely regret your madness, your sins, your disobedience and irrationality. You will also regret very much that drinking has ruined your body, and you have drunk your face into sensitive skin, and your acne-prone face is even a bit miserable. You will continue to try to keep your body healthy for about 3 years, but this process will not be too smooth, and it is also the due punishment God gave you, making you so arrogant, making you so consume your youth, you will live It's time to pay for the madness that you used to be.

Silly girl, count down how many men have hurt you in the past ten years, and how many you thought you would get married but ended up in a peaceful breakup! ? Some have made you feel guilty for not cherishing, some have regretted because your love is ignorant, some have not studied because of your self-righteousness, and you have underestimated the speed of the progress of the times. Times are advancing and you are still standing still.

In the past ten years, you will find that as long as you become boyfriends and girlfriends with your ex-boyfriends, those who should get married are already married, those who have girlfriends have proposed, and there will be no single ex-boyfriends. You are a future husband maker~ Even the TW ex-boyfriend who is far away has a girlfriend (and is getting married soon), you train a man to be the type that girls need, and then think about it, you are benefiting other girls , it's worth the effort.

PS: This article is finally written to the end, it has been written for 12 days and it has not been completely written yet😆😆

It took ten years to finally understand that love is no longer your everything, but your accessory.
Ten years have passed, and in the next few decades, you will continue to learn, endlessly, and enrich your experience.

Women can support themselves without relying on men, make themselves beautiful, make themselves confident, and be a low-key, rich and knowledgeable woman. Divide the ultimate goal into subdivisions. A small step of progress is also progress. Don’t make false efforts to stay in place.

Be grateful for your efforts, thank your past self, and be wary of your future self not to give up learning and progress for love.



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