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I bought 13 eBooks at Rakuten Kobo

Rakuten currently has a 22 % discount on all books in the International Book Fair, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~

I bought 13 books in a frenzy and saved a total of 733 yuan 😊 But I forgot to use Shopback to give back to QQ

I am also very entangled in the selection of books (if I buy unsightly books, I really can’t read them~~), I read Youtuber’s recommendations, read the reading experience of many people, or read blogs, reviews on Goodreads, Finally, these 13 books were carefully selected. Below are the books I bought.

1. Human Weakness

I've always known about this book until recently, when I saw Neko included this book in the 2020 recommended list , which aroused my interest. I have always felt that interpersonal relationships are a big subject, and I have always been too "being myself" in social situations, giving people a sense of distance, but I know that I have to try to hide my true character in society (learn to be a human being). ), I hope it will be helpful to me who has not yet been out of the society.

2. Personal Branding

The main reason for buying this book is because of my liking for the author. I overheard He Zewen's interview in the tea room of Zuobian, and I liked his idea of an ideal life very much. When he mentioned the concept of "altruism", He Zewen thought that the ideal Life is "find your own position and value, and help others with the value you can provide." This sentence deeply touched me.

In addition, I also read the notes of He Zewen's lecture shared by others, which gave me more room for imagination about running a " personal brand ".

3. Atomic Habits

Needless to say, this book has been pushed to the brink by everyone, and there is already "Why do we live like this and work like that?" " , is also discussing the formation of habits, I am curious why "Atomic Habits" is so fascinating? Why is it so popular? I want to compare the two books well.

4. Eleven writing lessons for adults

After reading Neko's recommendation for this book, and at the same time reading the reading notes of Reading Bigen , I made up my mind to buy this book.

At present, I don't have a big concept of "how to write an article". Most of the time, I just write whatever comes to my mind, or see how other people write about their reading experiences, think about why I like reading other people's reading experiences, and then try to include them in my next writing. new element.

5. I want to talk to you nicely

You will know that this book is on Facebook. I saw Day Off Well Spent sharing my reading experience. The book mainly talks about how to use "non-violent communication". It writes a sentence: "Almost every dispute, we become jackals, entangled in " Who's right and who's wrong?" There was a lot of quarrel, and the result was that "business" was not discussed. "Isn't this the predicament that I often get into when arguing!

6. Why do French women have a particularly long shelf life?

This book has been recommended by KOLs for a while. At that time, I was very interested in this book. I thought that I would read this book when I was 30 years old. At that time, I should really need this book very much. This book, but I'm afraid I'll forget it later, so I'll be the first to start this event.

7. Why sleep?

Although the title of this book makes me want to buy it, in fact, the author of the book is a professor of neuroscience and psychology, and has long-term research on sleep. I know that sleep is very important. Not getting enough sleep will lead to a bad mood, but my sleep quality is very poor. I hope this book can help me save my sleep quality.

8. True

This book is a rare book with high reviews and many reviews on blogs, such as "changed the way he sees the world", "reversed the intuition bias of most people", "felt shocking after reading it" and so on. The comments made me even more curious about the content of the book.

9. The Elephant and the Rider

This book was listed by Irwin as one of my top ten favorite books of 2020. At the same time, this book is also a classic of positive psychology , which is very suitable as an introductory book to positive psychology.

10. Bezos Biography

11. Learn FQ with Chamomile and make your own ATM

12. The psychology of money

(I'm tired of writing later, so I will talk about the three books together 😂)

One of my reading goals this year is to read more books on " biography " and " financial investment ". I want to read "biography" because I want to know how successful people are, and I'm curious about what those successful companies are How to operate and develop? As for financial investment, in an era when everyone is buying stocks? It seems that I can't understand some investments, but I read a book about ETF before and couldn't read it halfway. I hope I can finish reading a few financial management books this year.

13. High-Performing Mind

Last year, I saw Irwin's film " Doubt your life at work? It's not the job itself that's holding you back, it's the way you work | Experience from "High-Performance Mind" and I immediately saved it to my playlist. Although I haven't started work yet, I clearly feel that there is not enough time every day. How not to work hard and maximize work efficiency should be the predicament faced by many "serious" people.

Woohoo~~ The long reading list has finally been shared, please share with me which books you bought at this international book fair? Or are there any recommended books for beginners in financial investment?

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