
在德國與論文奮戰的碩士生,疫情之下,整天只能與論文共處,出門最遠的距離就是超市,看看書、寫寫文是最療癒不過的事情了。 歡迎來我的家:https://yunashare.com/

Newcomer punch card, the origin of the name


Hello everyone, my name is Yuna. I am currently struggling with my master's thesis in Germany. Under the epidemic, I spend 90% of the time at home, and I only go to the supermarket as far as I can go. In the depressing days, I began to want to do something meaningful and interesting. I began to remember that I had been "inputting" information for a long time, whether it was from textbooks, Podcasts, Youtube, or other people's articles, all of which were unilaterally received, but never "output" properly, resulting in those information only staying in me short-term memory, and no good reflection.

I think that only when that information can be expressed through words and words can I truly have that knowledge. I have never been in the habit of writing, and I also want to practice "output". I recently discovered the platform Matters, and everyone's message area is very enthusiastic. As I just joined the ranks of pen farming, I really need everyone's feedback, whether the response is good or bad. Also please give more advice.

The origin of the name is actually quite interesting.

I recently started writing articles and published them on my blog.

My boyfriend read my article and said, "You can tell it's the writing of a science girl."

I was thinking: Does it mean that my thinking is jumping? Or the writing is not smooth? I was always thinking in a negative direction


It is I who have always admired the so-called "girls in the literature group", and I took the initiative to label "girls in science and engineering" negatively.

I shouldn't think that way

I was originally a science girl, and there seems to be nothing to deny the writing style of being recognized as a "science girl"

Why don't you just name it "science girl" and you won't be recognized XD


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