
喜歡在閒時寫寫文章,畫下圖畫。 希望我的文字和圖畫,能在某一刻牽掛你。 遇上懂欣賞的人,能夠給你一點點溫暖,便是我們的小確幸。

【The Daily Life of a World-weary Cat】 #3 - Hide and Seek

"I do not know I do not know"

The daily life of a miserable cat

The world is so troubled,

Although escape is not the solution to the problem,

But immediately escaped,

At least,

Immediately clear your mind,

"I do not know I do not know"

next moment?

Lie down first and then count!

【Daily life of a world-weary cat】-About the world-weary cat

World-weary cat personality: Lonely by nature, see through the world, don't like to communicate with others, like to be alone

The daily life of a world-weary cat: Lie down when you sleep, lie down when you read, and lie down when you eat

World-weary cat favorite: lying down

World-weary cat's golden sentence: People can't always be positive every day, sometimes, they still have to be world-weary. meow~


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