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The thing is staring at the subject & what is the thing

Notes and Summary

people looking at things

Žižek: The thing is also gazing at the subject

a sight without bodily organs,

Example: Washing your hair with your eyes closed, imagining the surrounding walls, the disappearance of the world, and yet to come into being, surrounded by the devil's purgatory-like gaze and torture
Hegel: Night of the World

Cognitive uncertainty about what the outside world is like - unfounded fears and doubts: you can only settle down by opening your eyes and making sure

what is

Zizek: There are three types
  • The thing [the real world]
  • Unexperienced | Monster-like, weird | [Belonging to The Real] Distortion of the sign system (exactly what makes it distorted, but it is expressed as "sign system distortion" and cannot exist as a substance) | Unstructured— Always be shown as a failure of structure: Attempts to grasp its outline, texture, details in a structured way are always a failure (such as some postmodern painters' paintings)
  • Peeking into the subject in the gap (between the thing itself and its outline: between a what and what should be - a mass of matter or a fucking photo-signal image and an apple: "this should be an apple")
Man cannot stand this gaze (not a gaze, but a presence, but experienced by the subject as a gaze) - so immediately subjectivize, personify: experienced as a gaze of the Other
  • The gaze is already the result of a repression, of a retrospective construction
  • The imaginary thing (the outline of the thing) [imaginary world]
Kant: A schema : wiki: In psychology and cognitive science, a schema describes a type of thinking or behavior used to organize categories of information, and the relationships between them. It can also be described as a mental structure of preconceived ideas, a framework for representing certain views of the world, or a system for organizing and perceiving new information.
  • Virtually all "things" are imagined: for example you see the front of an apple - you can't see the back - but you can construct it with your 3D schema
  • Looking in the mirror: the "me" in the mirror has a weird priority: more real and more "me" (we will care more) - people can't see themselves directly - but this is a mirror after all
  • But what about what's in the mirror? Looking in the mirror, I can replace each other an infinite number of times - "it's me anyway" (a kind of self-defense) - but what about things in this replacement? : You're holding the doll and looking in the mirror - it feels like it's looking at me
  • How the Imaginary Peeps: Through the Mirror - The Object in the Mirror - The Mirror Stares at Me
  • Conceptualized things (the position of things in semiotics) [Symbolic world]
  • Example: you buy a house with a kitchen - you think: "there should be a microwave here" - then you buy a new microwave - the moment you put this microwave in the kitchen - things are staring you
Nodes on the Semiotic Network Reality Outposts of Concrete Things
People's semiotic identity or imaginary identity is the object (the outpost of the semiotic system) that is constantly confirmed

In his innermost place, the subject perceives the core of a helpless, monstrous subjectivity: the essence of人的原质: " The thing in myself, but more than myself " - in order to escape, the subject opens up a "The external world" - this ability to make it outward is: the先验想象力involuntarily arranges a world


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